~Chapter 2: Any girls got your attention?~

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a/n - A big thank you to, @LuckyCat22216! Thank you for the positive comment, and the vote! I wasn't sure if anyone was going to like this story, so seeing my first comment and it being a positive one, really made my day! Thank you so much! I would like to clarify, for this chapter, this will be when Techno wakes up, and see's your note, and so on.

Techno pov,

I woke up, and looked at my alarm clock, 9:30. 'Weird, I never sleep in this late' I shrug it off, and I get out of bed. I make my way back to the kitchen, and saw a new piece of paper on Y/n's window. I go closer to my window, and see that it says, "Good morning! I wont be able to talk for a bit, because I have to get a bunch of my stuff all set up! I'll talk to you late though!" I smiled at the consideration. I wrote a note, saying that I wouldn't be able to talk until later, and I'll only be able to talk for a bit, and then I have to stream. I taped it to the window, and then made some breakfast. I was going to my parent's house for a bit, just to hang out. My mom said that they all missed me, so I figured I would go over there to see them. I sat down on my couch, and started eating my cereal, while scrolling through Twitter. I decided to make a tweet, about streaming later tonight, and that it may be pushed back due to me going out for a bit. I hit the tweet button, and turned off my phone. I got up, washed my dishes, and then went to go get dressed for the day. I took a shower last night, when I saw that Y/n had fallen asleep. I felt bad for leaving here there leaning against the window, but there wasn't much I could do. I smiled at how cute she was. 'Wait- no what the hell?!' I quickly shrugged off the thought, and finished getting ready. I decided to wear sweatpants, and a hoodie. Comfy, and lazy, but my parents didn't care what I wore, as long as it was appropriate. I left my room after turning the lights off, and went into my kitchen again. I grabbed a water bottle, my phone, and my keys, then turned off all the lights, and then left. I made sure to close the curtains on my window, because I was leaving, and I didn't want Y/n to think I was back earlier than expected, and was ignoring her. I went down to the parking garage, unlocked my car, and got in. I left the garage, and connected my phone to the radio, and turned on my favorites playlist. I listened to the music, not really the type of person to dance, or sing along to music in the car. Around 30 minutes later, I pulled into my parents house, and got out of the car. I knocked on the door, before entering.

"Techno!" My little sister shouted smiling brightly.

"Hey lily! How are you?" I asked hugging her. Even though she's way younger than me, I still love her dearly. 

"I'm good! Julia is upstairs sleeping." She said frowning.

"It's okay, medical school is tiring. She needs her rest." She nodded in response, and she walked with me over to the kitchen. Me being 6'4, means I'm the tallest in the family. It goes me, Julia, Lily, dad, and my mom. My older sister Julia, is 6'0, Lily is 5'9, my dad is 5'7, and my mom is 5'4. It makes no sense, because neither of my parents are tall, but all of us are taller than them. Lily is tall, which makes me upset, because she could be taller than me. 

"Mom! Dad! Techno's here!" Lily exclaimed happily.

My parents turned towards me. "Techno! Awh it's so good too see you again!" My mom said hugging me.

"It's good too see you mom." She let go, and my father looked at me, and hugged me. "Hi dad."

"Hey son. How's everything going? How's the streaming life?" He asked letting go.

"It's stressful. New lore, meaning I have to stream longer." I say sighing.

"Him and Dream are stuck in the prison now." My sister says sitting on the counter. I swear, she's either not mature, or mature. Right now, mature. When she's talking about things she's passionate about, and excited about things, she's what people would call, "immature". But when she's relaxed, and laid back, she's "mature". 

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