~Chapter 9: Maid Café's and Movies Pt. 2~

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a/n- WASSUP!!! IM BACK!!! AND IT'S PRIDE MONTH!!! I just would like to say, I think I was born to be part of the LGBTQ+, since I was born in June. 11 more days until my birthday!! Anyways, I want to do a Q&A, so I'll make another part, where you can put your questions! Enjoy part 2!!



'Oh shit...' I looked up from my notepad, and my jaw dropped. 'Techno...he's here...I didn't think he was going to be here yet!'

"Heyy..." I say dragging out the 'y'. 

"I thought you worked at the convenience-" It looked like a light bulb went off in his head. "You didn't have to be embarrassed about it." He says smiling.

"What can I get for you guys?" I say ignoring him. 'Wow..jerk move, but I really don't want to be in this situation.' He looked hurt, but it faded away quickly. They all gave me their orders, and I quickly rushed to the front counter. 

"I need 3 cheesecake slices and 2 apple pie slices." I say as I hand another worker the order check. I go over to the soda dispenser, and I fill 5 cups up with ice, and fill them all with water. I place them on a tray, and take them over to Techno and his friends. I recognize them. They were with us, when we went out. Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, and Kristin. I place their waters down in front of them. "I'll be back with your deserts."

After them being there for like an hour or so, they paid, and left. I had like 2 more hours left of my shift, but I was exhausted. I went around taking orders, delivering orders, delivering checks, etc. 

--2 hours later--

I finally signed out, and walked out the door. 'Wait a second...Techno was my ride here-' 

"Fuuuuu-" I got cut off, by his car being parked.

"Hey." He said getting out. "Think I would forget?" 

I nodded my head, and laughed quietly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you..I thought you would have stopped going out with me. Truth is, I really like you, and I didn't want to screw things up."

"I wouldn't stop going out with you, just because you work at a maid café. I'm just upset you didn't tell me. But it's okay, we can put it behind us, and go on another date?" He asks winking at me.

"Depends, can I pick where we're going?"

"Hmmm....sure." He says smiling. He grabs my hand, and walks me to his car. He opens the passenger door, and let's me get in. He gets into the other side after closing my door. The car was already started, so when we buckled up, he pulled out. He did the thing. 'Oh my lord...HE DID THE THING!!' He did the thing, where he put the car in reverse, looks behind him, but puts his arm on the back of the headrest. My god...his shirt started restricting on his body, outlining his muscles, and boy was it hot. I blushed and looked out the window. I heard him laugh, and I looked at him.

"What?" I ask confused. No response. He was still laughing. "What?" I asked lightly laughing. The more I asked, the more he laughed.

"Nothing..." A few seconds go by, and then he starts talking again. "You're cute when you blush."

"Techno....i swear to god." I scoff. "Anways, you want to go to the store, so we can get stuff for a movie night?"

"Is that what you want to do for our date?" He asks smiling.

"Yup." I say smiling.

On our way to Target, we jam out to the radio. When we pull up, I almost jump out of the car. I was excited. I love spending time with him.

The Man in The Window | Technoblade x Reader. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now