~Chapter 5: Is love at first sight fake?~

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a/n - I'm back again! There is a new character, and her name is Sierra. If you've read the one-shot on the collab account I'm on, it is not the same person. This person has no romantic feelings for Y/n, and the same goes Y/n. You'll see why I said this later, when you read it.


Please read with caution. If you struggle with any of these topics, know you are not alone. We all struggle, you are valid, and so are your feelings. My DM's are always open. Tell a trusted adult, or guardian if you have negative feelings. I promise it will get better, and these things need time. I love you all, and again read with caution.


Karl held on to me, while I was sobbing. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door.

"Stay here, I'll get it..." He said quietly letting go of me. I let go of him, and hugged my legs up to my chest. I tuned out the conversation between Karl, and whoever came to the door. I head Karl say something, that made me pay attention.

"Okay, I'll go with them. Thank you for staying with her. She's not taking things too good.." He said quietly.

"Of course. I want to help her. The others decided to stay longer. They said they would be leaving in a week or so. Go hangout with them, I'll take care of her." The other person said quietly as well.

They said their goodbyes, and the other person engulfed me in a hug.

"Hey..." Now that I could hear their voice better, I could tell it was Techno. I looked up at him, and tried to smile.

"Hi.." I say quietly. I look away, before hearing Techno gasp.

"C'mon, get up. We're going somewhere." He said letting go of me, and getting up.

"Where are we going?" I mutter standing up.

"Somewhere." He said grabbing my hand, and grabbing my keys, and his wallet. We left my apartment, making sure that it was locked, and we went outside to my car. He got into the drivers side, and I got into the passenger side.

"I didn't think you would want to drive." He apologizes, starting the car.

"I didn't plan on going anywhere...I look like a complete mess..." I say rubbing my eyes.

"You look perfect. You always do." He says smiling, but not taking his eyes off the road.

I blush a bit, and smile. Around 5 minutes later, we pull up to a Walmart.

"C'mon." Techno says getting out of the car. I get out as well, and we walk inside, his thumb rubbing my hand, while holding my hand.

"What are we doing in Walmart? It's, 8 pm.." I say yawning, and rubbing my eyes again.

"We're going to buy things, for we are having a movie night." He says smiling at me.

"What do we need?"

"Food, candy, snacks, drinks, blankets, and pillows."

"But I have half of those things already."

"Yeah, but the things we're getting, is stuff for a fort."

"Oh, ok-" Was all I could say, before he squeezed my hand, and took off running. Since I was holding his hand, I was forced to run as well. We started laughing, as we raced down the aisles, trying to find the things we needed. We stopped running, and caught our breath.

"I'll look for pizza, and you can look at blankets and pillows, then we'll get snacks together." He said removing his hand from mine.

I nodded, and we went separate ways. I looked at the aisle we stopped at, and realized he had stopped at an aisle with blankets and pillows. I grabbed 3 blankets, and 2 pillows. I grabbed a red blanket, a white blanket, f/c blanket, and a black blanket. The pillows were both black. I kept on looking at the blankets, and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and it was Techno with a cart/trolly/buggy. I smiled, and put the blankets and pillows in the cart/trolly/buggy.

"Ready to get snacks and drinks?" He asks grabbing my hand again, and placing it on the handle. I nod, and we start to walk off into the snack section.

--20 minutes later--

I had just unlocked the door, when I heard someone in my apartment.

"Hello?" I call out walking in.

"Y/n!" A female voice exclaimed running up, and hugging me.

"Sierra! Why are you here?" I ask hugging her back.

"Because I wanted to see you! I haven't seen you, in almost 3 years!" She exclaimed letting go.

"Yeah...sorry about that.." I say setting the bags down on the ground.

"It's alright! Also, you never told anyone you had a boyfriend!"

"He isn't my boyfriend!" I exclaim blushing madly. Is it true that I like like him? Very much so, but we've only known each other for a short amount of time, so I don't want to rush things, though if he were to ask me out, I would 100% say yes.

"Mhm, anyways, what were you guys planning on doing?" She asks plopping down on my couch.

"Well, we planned on having a movie night..." I say still blushing.

"Alright, I'll be back tomorrow." She says getting up, and hugging me. "Bye, love you."

"Love you too." I say before she closes the door and leaves. Me and Sierra have been best friends, since I was born, she's older than me, by 3 years. Yes she's my cousin, but she's my best friend. So it was normal to say we live each other, like family members do.

"I see the similarities between you two." Techno says placing the bags on the counter.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I mean, you both have some of the same similarities." He says smiling, and leaning on the island looking at me.

"I didn't think we looked similar." I say starting to put away groceries.

"You have almost the same smile, same exact hair color, you both are kind people. But you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on." He says helping me put away the food we got. "And-"

"Just stop..." I interrupt him quietly. I don't like complements from people I like.

"What's wrong?" He asks putting the last thing away, before looking at me confused.

"Just stop. I hate when people lie to me by giving me complements." I muttered sighing.

I felt him hug me from behind. "I don't lie to people I care about. And I really care about you." He whispers still hugging me.

"T-techno?" I ask flustered.


"Is it weird to like someone you've only known for a short amount of time?"

"Is love at first sight fake?"

Ayo!! I'm back!!! I'm sorry it took me so long to update another chapter, I haven't had much time to write, I've had to take care of my new puppy this week, so I haven't had anytime to write. I'm sorry for how trash this chapter is, but I needed to publish something, so I threw this together. I've wrote this chapter about 5 times, and this is the final product, anyways, I love you all, stay safe and have an amazing day/night!


The Man in The Window | Technoblade x Reader. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now