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Penelope was preparing for her second year at Hogwarts. Sparks – her cat - was sleeping on her pillow, and purring. As she grabbed her coat from her closet, her annoying muggle brother, Eric, barged into her room.

"What do you want now?" Penelope asked, annoyed.

"Henry won't let me play with him!!!" Eric screamed.

Henry was Penelope's other annoying muggle brother. She had to deal with this nonsense every day. She was excited to get to Hogwarts, where she didn't have to deal with this.

"Go ask mom or something. I don't want to deal with this!" Penelope replied.

"But mommy isn't home yet!"

Penelope's mom wasn't at home much. She has to work, day and night at the hospital, and only gets a few hours of sleep daily. Her grandparents lived in her house and took care of her and her brothers.

"Go ask Grandma or Grandpa. I'm trying to pack." Penelope said as she grabbed her broomstick.

"But I want to stay with you!" Eric replied.

"I don't care. Please leave; or else I will tell Grandpa"

After Penelope said that Eric instantly left the room. Her grandpa was very strict, and Eric did not want to get grounded.

She was hoping that this year, the Quidditch team would respect her more. She was on the team last year, and everyone didn't like her much because she was a first year.

As Penelope finished packing, she went downstairs to dinner. Her Grandparents prepared a big feast, as this was her last dinner with them before she left for school tomorrow. Henry and Eric were sitting across the table, laughing over stupid YouTube videos.

When Penelope finished eating her food, she went back upstairs to finish packing. Once she finished packing her last trunk, she started writing a letter to Adelaide. Adelaide was one of her close friends. They kept in touch a lot over the summer. She looked over on a shelf above her side table. The shelf was full of letters Addie had sent her over the summer. When she was almost done writing her letter, her brothers barged in.

"What do you two want now!?" Penelope asked, fed up with these two.

"I'm magciallll" Henry said mockingly.

"Look at my pretty little wandddd" Eric also said as he waved around a chopstick.

"Leave you little pigheads!" Penelope screamed.

Sparks yowled and jumped off the bed. She gets scared by loud noises. She ran under the bed and didn't come out until she was sure Henry and Eric were gone.

Eric and Henry left the room almost immediately. They did not want to be around Penelope when she was furious.

Penelope was very tired, so she decided to go straight to bed, looking forward to tomorrow. 

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