The Count Down 24

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When they reached the clock Nya marveled, "Wow, this clock is a mechanical masterpiece." She opened the dome and the ninjas got out of the vehicle. "It's a clock that counts down till doomsday.... of course, it's going to be super complicated... " Misty and she looked over to Misako who still had the helmet clutched in her hands, and she said to Nya, "You're welcomed to dismantle it once we stop it."

"There's only a couple of minutes left!" Jay shouted

"Everyone, look for the helmet's perch! It could be anywhere!" Misako shouted

The ninja then went to different places around the clock trying to find anything that might resemble a resting place.

Misty heard Wu's concerned voice say to Misako, "You don't know how to return the helmet?!"

"It has a resting place somewhere!" Misako repeated and she placed the helmet down and looked up another precious second ticked by, Misako groaned and said, "that didn't work" and she grabbed the helmet and climbed up and over the clocks moving gears and pieces and tried to place it somewhere, "Maybe here!" Another second went by, Zane called out, "Perhaps I've found the perch!" Misako tossed the helmet to Zane who caught it and tried to place it, but the clock didn't stop.

"No wrong place," Zane said

"Oh! What about here!" Jay shouted he was jumping up and down Zane then threw the helmet to Jay who caught it and tried to place it on the spot he had found. Another second went by, "You never know how precious time truly till it's gone..." Misty whispered.

"Could this be the place!" Wu shouted Jay threw the helmet to Wu but the stone Warrior Koze shoved Wu down and caught it he then said, gloating, "There are only 30 seconds left! I believe it's time to die--" he never got to finish his sentence as a part of the clock knocked the helmet from the warrior's hold, it ended up landing at the very top of the clock, one of the smaller warriors scrambled up after it. "Get the helmet!" Misako shouted

"Right!" Cole said and started climbing after the stone warrior who was ahead, but just as it looked like all hope was lost Cole managed to knock the warrior off and he grabbed the helmet but lost his balance, and he dropped it bounced, off many different pieces of the clock. Both Kai and Zane kept the stone warriors from grabbing the helmet but also failed themselves to grab it. The helmet then landed right in the middle of the turning gears of the clock, Misako then spotted the perch, and gasped, "The helmet's perch!"

"There's only 10 seconds left!" Wu shouted

"I'll get it!" Misako said and ran to grab the helmet but was clocked by one of the warriors, Wu then knocked the warrior over and Misty covered it in crystal. Misako grabbed the helmet and placed it on the perch just as the second hand was reaching the skull. The clock stopped ticking gears stopped grinding and pieces stopped spinning.

"No!" Kuzo shouted

"We did it!" Lloyd shouted happily the ninjas cheered, but their victory was short-lived as the clock started ticking and horns started blaring it sounded like a siren. "No" Wu shouted

"The Horns of Destruction we were too late!" Misako shouted

A beam shot out of the clock and then the warriors started advancing toward the ninja who prepared to fight, but the ground under them crumbled, and it fell several feet below. Nya was still on the cliff and Jay called out to her, so did Kai, but then Kuzo grabbed Nya, she screamed and started struggling. "Let her go!" Jay shouted

"Or you will make a big splash?!" Kuzo taunted them the ground fell away and they fell toward the water below.

Misty who didn't know how to swim struggled to get to the surface, she felt some on grabbed her arm and pull her up onto land. It was Cole and she looked over to see Wu pulling Lloyd up as well they looked up at the cliff they had just fallen from, and could still hear Nya's screams.

"This is all my fault. I should've taken the shot!" Lloyd shouted

"We're all at fault kid, It's just the way the cookie crumbled," Cole said and he tried to comfort Lloyd.

"Are you still making jokes! "They have Nya, and you're making jokes!" Jy shouted and he knocked Cole to the ground and shoved him into the sand.

"It was just a poor choice of words!" Cole shouted he didn't fight back though.

Jay raised his fist no doubt to punch Cole.

Misty lunged forward and grabbed onto his arm and pulled it close to her body and shouted, "Stop! You have to stop!"

Jay shoved Misty off causing her to stumble backward Misty felt someone place their hand on her shoulder and studied her as Jay prepared to hit Cole, but then Misty's heard the voice behind her shout, "She is right, Enough! We have lost enough. We don't need to lose our focus!"

"Forget focus, we have to get my sister!" Kai shouted back at Wu.

"By the time we get back up there, they'll be gone. We will get your sister but the clock has reached zero, and the final battle could start at any moment." Misako said and Jay helped Cole stand, Misako continued and said, "We must return to the Bounty and prepare so that next time, you will not hesitate."

Lloyd was looking down at the ground and Wu then placed a hand on Lloyd's back like he had done to Misty and said, "Come on, Lloyd. Let's go home. together you and Misty will get your chance, to fight.

Misty then stopped and walked beside Lloyd at first they walked in silence but then Misty spoke up and said, "I want you to know that in my opinion you and your mother have to be one of the strongest people I have ever met..."

"Why do you say that?" Lloyd asked

"Both of you are fighting... you're having to fight someone... someone well that you love... I... I could never do that, I could never be that strong." Misty said softly

"You are brave, kind, loyal, and selfless to be those things still in a world like this. One can not say that they are not capable of beginning strong." Lloyd answered

"I'll promise to remember that as long as you do too," Misty said and she smiled at him

'"And what if I can't." Lloyd whispered

"Then good thing you have me to remind you," Misty said smiling

Lloyd actually broke into a smile and said, "Yeah... I guess I am."

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