chapter - 4

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After they returned back home Mew and Bright is thinking about Gulf and Win... both don't know how they attracted to them in first meeting...bright also think that he has seen gulf somewhere but where he don't now....

Mew :- hey buddy what are you thinking..

Bright :- nothing!!! Hmm!! phi I like p' Gulf and bunny(win)...

'Shocked bunny who bunny Mew thinks'

Mew :- who is bunny now!!

Bright :- win (bright is getting shy)

Mew :- ohh! Hmm nong do you like win, don't dare to lie I can see your face is getting red as tomato

Mew only open to bright because he knows his brother need him he shows his soft side to only bright

Bright :- phiiii! You know me na!! yes I like him but you tell do you like p' keep on looking at him in you will attack on him but in romantic way.... their is something which I am missing

Romantic my ass how can this fucker think about it...but its true Mew don't know how to answer his question but some how he like Gulf

Bright see something on his phi face that he is thinking about...

Bright :- (with soft voice) phi tell me na what are you thinking why are you spacing out from evening

Mew :- I don't now Bright what is going on I can't explain you what is going on with me I am messed up right can I like gulf when I in love with my gup...

Bright :- are you miss your 'gup' know i also miss him too (with sad face)

Yes Bright now's about gup and he was very special for him... gup was like his own brother whenever Mew say no to his demands bright goes to gup and complaint about Mew, he was as close to gup as he was with Mew...

Mew :- hmmm!! Yes I am missing him...sorry bright I can't find them I tried a lot but i failed I cannot able to find your gup and trouble maker I am missing them...

Mew know how much bright loves win...he was very possessives for him bright never let anyone close to win and mew know why bright was not showing his pain to him...his nong want to be strong for phi...

Bright :- its not your fault...don't blame yourself phi...

They both holding their tears, both want to remain strong for each other bright knows how much his phi was suffering from past for losing his first love....his phi first maddest first love he was to protected and possessives for his gup...his phi use to got jealous quick if he saw gup with someone eles...he know how much time his phi take to come in his normal self...he don't want to see his phi in that stage again....

Mew :- but you know bright today when I see gulf in office I lost in him I know him from ages he bring back memories of gup...his cuteness, innocence specialy his eyes..

Bright :- phi do you think he is your 'gup'

Mew :- I don't know nong! I don't know! why everything is so confusing I love gup but still I attracted to gulf...why this is happening to me...look at me I am guy who don't give a damm to anyone, who is never interested in anyone, I close my heart and built walls for everyone but still gulf manage to give a knock on my heart...

Bright us shock to see his brother like this, he never excepted his phi while broke like this, after so many years his brother is crying like baby if anyone see him like this they will don't believe Mew as a devil, Mew broken completely aging thinking about his 'gup' he hugged bright to tightly and remain in that position for sometimes...

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