chapter - 22

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The living room is complete slince no one now's how to start again the dark voice of mew was enough to make them sacred and afraid, but it's important to tell mew about everything before something happened to them to there little family... some how gulf encourage himself to talk to his mew...

Gulf :- meow...'in soft voice'

Mew :- 'he look at his baby' kitten what's going on and how you got information about Joss and Amanda...
'hold his kitten face in hands'

Gulf :- i tell you everything but promise me you will don't get angry...
' he know when mew's will be got angry with him for let's his meiw alone'

Mew :- 'he knows that his kitten was hiding something from him and now he is getting scared' trust me kitten I will never ever get angry on you no send me what's going on...

Gulf let mew sit on the sofa comfortably, he sit infront him hold his meow hand start rubbing his thumb on it, to make mew relax and listen everything without losing his temper...

Gulf :- Joss was working for amanda and they both are planning behind back and it's all amanda's plan to take you to the room and have sex... 'sobbing while holding mew's hand and looking on their hands'

Mew :- how do you know all these baby...' with concerned'

Gulf start explaining everything from the yesterday that how he encountered hearing conversation of Joss with something, how he lie mew that he was not well, how he force his meow to go alone in the party, he also tell they all planned to keep an eye on you in the party to see who was the mean master mind behind Joss but they failed because they can't stop amanda has zee and boat have to party venue to take Joss to the hell home as we got information that he was up to do something with you...

Mew :- so you lied me yesterday that you are not filling well...'with annoyed tone'

Gulf :- sorry p'mew...'with is head down'

Mew :- you purposely let me go alone to the party...

Gulf :- sorry... 'with teary eyes'

Mew :- what if something happened last night, what if her plan worked, what if we had a sex then what... 'with sadly to tone'

Gulf :- sorry meow i know i done wrong but...'Interrupted by mew'

Mew :- but what gulf but what...' raise his voice '

Zee :- hey buddy relax let him complete...

Mew :- how zee what if she succeed in her plan, what if i didn't blackout at that time... 'turing to gulf' you even know how much i afraid when I saw you in morning in that fucking room, i thought gulf you leave me i thought i lost you forever but see i am a joke here... 'with sad smile'

Gulf :- i know p'mew what i have done was not correct but i lot let anyone just come from nowhere and ruin our happiness, how can I let anyone to harm you...that's why i just want to know who was behind all this, I put you in danger knowing i am doing wrong but what if something else with happened to you, what is someone else want to harm you than what will I do at that time, i did everything just to protect you just to keep you safe, even you had sex with her than also i will not let you go alway from me, i again make you fall in love with me but this time i never let you go...p'mew i love you so much that i hate to leave you i can't live without you, you are the only one for me, if i have to sacrifice my life for you i will happily do that but i never let anyone come in between us or harm you....' said stuttering and crying his lungs out'

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