chapter - 11

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Mew now where to find his gup... After leaving bright win, mew start walking towards tree house...he know gulf will be definitely went here as this was there hideout place...when mew reached at tree house all meowgup memories was came back to him...mew was happy and sad at same time happy for finally his gup his love of the life is here and bad that he hurt him alot in past...mew start climbing the tree and when he reached their he had mixed feelings...with all his courage he entered in the house but what he suprised was the house was empty, he ready to cry anytime but suddenly he listens sobering from the bedroom, he immediately went in and shock to see gulf was sitting in cornor of the room and crying non stop...see gulf like this mew heart hurting like hell as someone was stab 1000 knife in his heart on the other side gulf did not realise that someone is which him he was broken down...

Mew :- gulf ...'with lot of love'

Gulf look at mew who was standing at door, he stand up and ran towards mew, he hugged mew tightly while crying...he forget what he seen back awhile...he just know that his meow was there for me...

Gulf :- p'mew please don't leave me...why are you doing this to me...

Mew :- stop crying na baby i am sorry for hurt you...please stop na...

Gulf :- how can you do this with me...i understand that you are suffering but why are you making it difficult na... i hate you p'mew i hate you that i love you...i love you p'mew...

Mew :- you are an angel how can u fall in love with me with devil...

'How can he say that he is not a devil he is my Mew only mine'

Gulf :- you are not a devil..even if you are devil then this angle belong to this devil only...because "when angle fall in love" it can change impossible in possible...

Mew:- do you think this is any film or what...this is real life Gulf and this is me 'the devil' how can you do this to yourself stop hurting you and forget me...

'Mew was trying to make gulf say the truth he was dieing to listen from mew that he was his gup'

Gulf:- wow that essay... do you think I can forget you, do you think I can live without you how can you think I leave you when you need me the most and if you are devil then let this angel love this devil I love you phi I can't live without you

'Gulf crying so hard'

Mew:- that's it... I don't love you now leave me alone get out from here from my life I don't show your face to me again..go just go away from me

'thats it i know you will stop me you will never let me go... please stop by baby angel please said mew in his mind while breaking hug'

Gulf:- meow don't love gup...meow hate gup...

"Shocked can be seen on Mew's face he knows gulf will confess he is very happy to listen this from gulf"

Gulf:- yes meow its me your gup I am that essay to be forget you promised me meow you will always their for me you promised me you love till the end but how can you do this to me...'gulf start crying he can't take this any more' you want me to forget you but I can't because this angle fall in love with you

Mew:- how can be its possible? I lost my gup years ago how can you be my gup...'try to know everything from gulf'

Gulf:- I am still alive phi that night when you told me to wait for you near our hideout...I waited for you phi but you didn't come I am losing my all hopes just praying you come to me but you didn't after waited for whole night in morning when I go back to my house I got the news of the parents accident...I lost everyone on that night my parents, you and my love only win was with me that time I face lots of difficult you reach you but I can't find you anywhere...where are you meow when I need you and now when I found you again how can you say to forget you tell me phi how can I live without you

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