chapter - 28

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It was the gulf who entered the hall with his friends...

Gulf :- but how you are going to deny this Ms Amanda Obdam... 'with smirk'

Amanda :- what the hell you are doing here... 'with so much angry'

Gulf :- ohh ya!!! You must thought i am crying somewhere and hid myself... 'with smirk'

Amanda :- 'ignore gulf' p'mew please trust me I don't know anything, I don't know why that man was believing me for everything I don't know that man I never ever met him in my past.... 'fake crying while mew smirk'

Gulf :- okay then what about this clip p'ran can you please play this clip... 'handing the recording which was recorded last night that was conversation between him and amanda'

Within a minute the clip started playing and everyone was shocked to hell, when they got to know the truth on the other side amanda was froze on her spot her never ever in her dream think about that she will be catched like this, this was to much for her to digest it, while MewGulf and there friends was enjoying see amanda her sins was over now it's time for justice and to pay what she done with them, karam is bitch and it's true in her case...

Run :- so Ms Obdam what do you want to say on this are you still going to deny...

Gulf :- i know what you did was not correct but you have to pay for it... 'whispering in her ears'

Amanda :- 'looked at gulf with hate' it's not over gulf what do you think of yourself... 'in low voice'

Gulf :- you still has guts to threat me, now look what will I do... 'with smirk'

Amanda was shocked and look at gulf in disbelief what he was doing on the other side gulf start crying and showing his fake tears...

Gulf :- see she was still threading me, she was still saying that she will do bad things with me and p'mew... 'crying like a victim and winking at others with smirk'

Everyone was shocked to see gulf crying but soon they noticed a wink and his smirk which was signal that he was acting and others started talking in a low voice and watching the drama which the gulf was playing in front of the whole media...

Win :- wow phi was superb, he was acting like a victim here... 'with smirk'

Bright :- totally agree with you bunny, i don't know that p'gulf can act this good... 'admiring his skills'

Mild :- ohh!! Come on bright you don't know he was a complete drama queen just watch him... 'rolling his eyes'

Boat :- i think he should become a actor... '

Zee :- Oscar winning performance... 'clapping his hands'

Saint :- babe nobody can beat p'gulf in acting he just started... 'with wink'

Run :- dude seriously a minute ago he was looking so scary like he would kill her and now he was behaving like a victim... 'with unbelievable expression'

Mew :- that is my angel run... 'proudly smiling'

Amanda :- i didn't say anything to him, gulf stop acting... 'with anger'

Gulf :- see you all are witnessing what she was doing with me, in front of you all she is shouting at me... 'fake tears'

Amanda :- but... 'interrupted by reporter'

Reporter 1 :- Ms Obdam stop doing this Mr Kanawut is right you are threat him infront of all...

Reporter 4 :- now we all know the truth, that the real culprit was you, Ms Obdam why are you framing Mr Suppasit in this mess...

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