chapter - 40

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In the morning MewGulf is the first one to wake up and come down for breakfast as after breakfast they have to leave the back for their home to try their wedding suits and do the last check on the arrangements for the wedding, they were at sitting in dinner area and as usual gulf was sitting on mew's lap...

Gulf :- mew are we early and only excited for our wedding... 'said in cute tone'

Mew :- why?? What happened kitten...

Gulf :- see there is no one except us... 'pout'

Mew :- ohh theust be tired from their last night active na, stop thinking about them let's have your breakfast then you have take medicine...

Gulf :- but what activity they are doing in night i also want to take part in it... 'said innocently without realising what he said'

Mew :- ohhh my kitten wants to participate in that activity hmmm so do you want me to undress you and make love on the table... 'smirking'

Gulf :- : 'realise what activity mew was talking about and suddenly his face was red like tomato' shamless can't to tell me in normal ways... 'while hiding his red face '

Mew :- but seriously you want that activity...

Gulf :- 'shyly nodded his heac' but not now...

Mew :- then when... 'wink'

Gulf :- at wedding night like husbands... 'hugged mew and his his face'

But soon their lovely dovely moment was interrupted by the others as they came down for the breakfast where all the bottoms are limping and trying better not to show others and toppers are having a proud smirk on their faces...

Bright :- good morning love brids...

MewGulf :- good morning too you all...

Zee :- baby come i help you... 'try to help saint but he gave a dead graze to him'

Mew :- hmm i think your baby is mad on you... 'with smirk'

Gulf :- ohh meow not only his baby 'pointing to zeesaint' look all their 'pointing to other couples' babies are look mad on their partners... 'said sarcastically'

Mew :- are you guys rough last night...

Boat :- what do you think... 'wink'

Mild :- asshole!!! if you touch me then you are going to sleep on the couch for 1 week...

Tae :- don't ask last night was awesome... 'smirking'

Tee :- you asshole husband of mine don't you dare to touch me again...

Saint :- and you Mr Zee you are not allow to enter in my room...

Zee :- but babe...

Win :- ohhh and you are not allowed to come near me and go to sleep in the living room for a week...

Bright :- bunny what i have done...

Mewgulf enjoying and having their breakfast where all the toppers are busy in convincing their partners to not get angry and continually say sorry to them and after a lot effort bottoms convince and forgive them ...

Mew :- ok enough!!! Now have your breakfast...

Gulf :- meow!!!

Mew :- yes kitten...

Gulf :- 'pout' can i have spaghetti sandwich with peanut butter and pickle i don't want to eat this...

Mew :- whatever you want to eat...

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