chapter - 14

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MewGulf life is going in bless...they are going to having their first monthiversaries in 2 days so mew was planning to give surprise to his baby this one MewGulf come super close their personal and professional life are going in bless...mew successful maintaining his position in business while gulf is supporting him in his business to achieve his position they successfully manage to get new contracts for their company new also insist gulf to be his partner in business but gulf fused by saying that it's mew hard work to achieve what he has and gulf is happy to be his personal assistant...mew always respect gulf decisions weather are personally or professionally so mew leave everything on what gulf's want... mew still counting on gulf these whole month by send his favourite flowers, gifts, his favourite food, dates and many more MewGulf goes on many dates in between mew always ask gulf to move with him but gulf always refuses that they are not yet official so mew decided to propose him on their first month anniversary so he is preparing surprise for his baby angel....

Mew was avoiding gulf for past few days because he was busy in preparing surprise for his kitten so it's a part of his plan to make angry gulf so he don't have any doubts on mew on other side mew arranged everything with the help of their 2 days before d-day in MewGulf was in office as usual...

Mew :- Mr Kanawut we are having international conference in 2 days...'said professional'

Gulf :- whatever..."making pouting angry face" ok Mr Suppasit...

Mew :- we are going their to attend this conference so get everything ready...

Gulf :- ok...'said in irritating tone'

Mew :- kitten are you angry with me... something wrong...

Gulf :- ohh no Mr Suppasit everything is perfectly fine...and if you forgetting we are in office so please be professional... otherwise what other think that boss and assistant have office romance...'said in sarcastic way'

Mew :- awwww my kitten is sulking...

Gulf :- don't kitten me...

Gulf start going towards door but mew is faster and immediately stand up from his chair and hug gulf from back...

Gulf :- leave me Mr Suppasit...

Mew :- it's mew, p'mew or meow but don't Mr Suppasit me na...i am sorry baby...

Gulf :- i am not your baby leave me i have lot of work to do...

Mew :- no you are my baby angel, my kitten, my everything...

Gulf :- ohh!! For kind information Mr Suppasit you are the one who told me to behave professionally in working hours so stop calling me baby kitten for your angel...

Mew :- i am sorry kitten

Gulf :- leave me Mr Suppasit

When mew was trying to make up with his baby zee entered in mew's cabin without knocking with bright...gulf immediately push mew and excused himself...

Bright :- phi why p'gulf is like this...

Zee :- still angry...

Mew :- hmm...'said in sad tone'

They all settled on couch mew was not liking making his baby kitten angry but he don't have any choice he wants to surprise his Angel and propose him officially...

Mew :- this is complete torture... I can't see my baby like this...

Zee :- but you are doing for gulf na...

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