chapter - 10

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When they all reached resort, they got surprise to see mew with a girl both are laughing and talking very closely but girl was clinging on mew...

Bright :- hey phi you reached...'said raise his eyebrows'

Mew :- yes...ohh meet her!! She is Amanda a daughter to our new client she is here with her friends...

New client my ass p'mew i know what are you trying to do if you want to play this game then bring on..."said gulf in his mind"

Zee :- hello Ms Amanda i am zee this is my boyfriend Saint...

Boat :- hey i am boat here mild my boyfriend...

Bright :- bright here... he is my boyfriend win and that is p'gulf...

Amanda :- nice to meet you all...ohh gulf...hmmm if I not wrong you are mew's personal assistant...

Gulf :- yes nice to meet you too...

Amanda :- mew are you free at night let's go to bar na please...'said in flirty tone while looking at gulf'

What a bitch trying to flirt with my phi ..."said bright in his mind"

Mew :- sorry but not interested...

Now that's like my meow stright forward..."said gulf in his mind while smiling"

Amanda :- awww but why we are here to enjoy na so why are you saying no to bar...'trying to act sweet'

'We' what the hell she saying 'we' my ass, then what the hell 'we' are doing here...'said win in his mind'

Mew :- you are impossible amanda ok we will go but i have a condition...

Amanda :- whatever you say i am ok with any condition as for you are ready to go...'said with smirk while looking at gulf'

Mew :- i want my friends also join us...i hope you don't mind...

Amanda :- ohh why not...guys you all are also invited...'said in sarcastic way and hugged mew which make gulf jealous and uncomfortable'

Gulf :- excuse me... I am tired bright can you please tell me my room number...'said in annoying tone'

Bright :- yes phi just wait a minute...i will get it...

Gulf :- it's ok I will come with you...

Bright :- ok come phi...

After bright gulf left from there, others start interrogating Amanda... they all know she is going to do you something or to create misunderstanding between MewGulf... They continuous asking stupid questions which make her annoyed, she thinks it's better to go away from their so she left...

Mew notice how gulf reacted when he saw him with Amanda, which make mew hate himself more...he was doing all this purposely to push gulf away from him but he don't know his actions are making bad effects on gulf... Mew don't know that unintentionally he is hurting gulf...Amanda was not his new client not for now but her father was interested to invest in mew's company...when he arrived at resort while waiting for other he bumped in a girl and she came out mew's university friend which bright don't know about her so it's easy for mew to use her and that's how he meet Amanda at resort and she tell that her father interested in investing in his company but he don't know that she was very obsessed with mew and when she saw mew she don't want to leave this chance....

On other hand gulf was broke down he was crying continuously that was so much for him, he was controlling his emotions from morning but seeing mew with someone else he broke, he just want to leave that place and stay alone... he can't believe how mew can flirt infront of him, he thought mew was falling for him but seeing mew with amanda was killing him from inside...he don't know what to do how to face them, he thought not go to the bar but others force him go and change his mood...

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