chapter - 6

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Win :- hey!! Phi you's your day...did p'mew recognise you... tell na phi tell na na na na!!!

Without giving any response gulf directly went to his room...he don't know what to talk what to think he don't like when puifai threat him, he don't like to be seen weak infront of anyone not even infront win he want's to remain strong but today he can't be strong, today he need someone to take care him...he hate the most when someone say anything related to his meow negative way he can't bear that pain anymore, he start crying like a child in his room sitting at the conor of the bed without switching on the lights, he wants to be alone, hide from this cruel world where everybody have some motive to use people for their own benefit's without caring about others feeling.....he hated the most when someone use him for their own motive... win enter in room he saw his phi broken mess he ran and hug him tightly gulf also return back hug and brokedown completely...

Win :- phi what happen why are you like that is everything alright tell me na!!! Why are you crying like this...

Gulf :- I..I can't...I can't take it anymore... Why I have to suffer like this...why she return back and messing with me...why win why??? "Said gulf by shivering"

Win :- who return phi? What are you saying...

Gulf :- puifai she backed...(crying mess)

Win :- don't cry phi...we will do something please control yourself na...

Now win understand why gift was like this way he was scared, why he was crying like mess he know's how much his brother hate to be used and how she used her phi in past...Puifai always behind his phi she even threat gulf to be his by targeting win...she use to tell everyone in university that gulf and puifai was dating she not let any boys come close to gulf but mild was only friend who stand with him in his hardest time in university and slowly slowly he success to keep puifai away from him...but when she return back she will definitely do something and this time will be more evil...

Win :- its ok phi don't worry I am here, p' mild is also here and this time we also p'mew and p' bright don't worry don't be scared...

Gulf :- but how win how can p'mew will with me he don't remember how they help me help us...

Win :- don't worry phi he will recognise you...recognise us...

Gulf :- but when nong I am scared not for me but for my meow I know she will use mew's name to get me...she can do anything I don't want to lose my meow this nong I can't...I scared if p'mew thrown me out of the job what will I do win...

Win :- its ok phi!!! its ok...don't be scared I am with you na please stop crying I can't see you like's hurt phi it'd hurt's...(win also start crying)

Don't know how much time they take to calmed each other...gulf slept in win's arms he tired due to crying and lay his phi on bed and sit beside him...its ok phi its completely ok to be scared but please don't lose hope upon us upon p'mew and bright... Its difficult but not impossible for them to forget about us about you give sometime na they will recognise us then will all live happily na...I love phi!!! I always their for you!!! Win about to go out from the room suddenly gulf's phone start ringing and its bright who call him to check on pick up the call and broke down....

Win :- hello p'bai...(crying)

Bright :- hey win what happen why are you crying is p'gulf is fine..."asked in worried tone"

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