chapter - 15

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Next day in the morning gulf was lazy he was not in mood to leave his bed today he was on off as in evening he have to go resort with mew for meeting... where as mew was super excited for today as he was going to propose gulf for the marriage.... He already made the plan with others that he and gulf while go to resort in evening while other will leave in morning to check all the preparations which mew ordered the stuff on the resort... He personally arrged and perpetrated everything but for final touch he can't go because he have take gulf with him in evening so he tell his friends to go first and check everything before they arrive....

At gulf's house

Gulf :- bunny seriously you are telling me this now...'said unbelievable expression with pout'

Win :- ufff !! phi you are behaving like a kid now stop be so dramatic...'said with boring expression'

Gulf :- but you are going for a week and can you expect me to behave....

Win :- uffff phi i am not going alone i told you that i am going with my friends and this is important for my internship....

Win lied gulf that he was going of the city for a week so that gulf will no suspect him and he can go with his friends for the know's that gulf is very protective towards him so he will be worried and this first time that he was lieing that he was going for a week...

Gulf :- you know na i will not allow you to go for a week... We never stay away from each other for a day and you are asking for a week sorry bunny will not allow you...

Win :- but phi this is very important and don't worry saint is also coming with me...'try to convince gulf '

Gulf :- enough is enough bunny... I will not allow you so stop asking it again....

Win :- phi this is important for my internship... If i don't then go it effect on my hard work and my career....
'showing his puppy eyes to gulf ' and don't worry na i will take care and call you every hour, text you even i viedo call you... please phi na na na...

Gulf :- ok ok...i allow you but promise you will take care and call me...also take care of saint...

Win :- yes phi...promise...i love you...

Gulf :- love you too... So when are you leaving...

Win :- in an hour saint is coming to pick me...

Gulf :- ok now go and pack your bags and come for breakfast...

Win left to his room and gulf went to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast... meanwhile saint also come to gulf house and together they are breakfast and win saint say goodbye to gulf and left for mew's house, that is their meeting point and from there they all will leave except mew...

At mew's house

Bright :- seriously can you do that...'said with unbelievable expression'

Mew :- I forgot...'while making sad face'

Zee :- you are impossible buddy you forget the most important thing...

Mew :- i am busy so by mistake i forgot..

Boat :- awee we will tell gulf that our friend forget to bring ring but he want to propose seriously mew how irresponsible you are...

Mew :- as if i propose him without ring...

Suddenly win and saint arrived with mild that time and everyone look at them win got shocked to hear mew forgot to bring ring...

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