Love Confession?

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Aether Pov

I stand in front of Wangshu Inn on a clear, blue skied day.

I will tell him today!

Tell him how much I care about him.

He's done so much for me. How can I not care about him?

I walk up the wooden steps.

"Hey! Traveler!" Verr Goldet calls. I've been here enough times that now she knows me just by face.

"Hello, Verr Goldet. Do you know if Xiao's here?" I ask.

Verr Goldet looks at me thoughtfully.

"He should be." She says.

I brighten.

"Thank you!" I call, already running up to the top of the Inn where Xiao resides.

My heart starts to race as I reach the top. I feel my face grow hot.

I can do this!

I've fought nearly everything in Teyvat. Of course I can handle a little thing like a love confession.


I mean, the worst thing I can be is rejected.

I hear footsteps behind me and I whirl around to see beautiful amber eyes gazing into mine.

"Aether? What are you doing here?" Xiao asks.

My heart leaps into my throat, preventing me from speaking.

I watch him for a heartbeat, taking him in.

It's either be accepted and be happy, or be rejected and never see him again.

"I- I have to talk to you." I finally choke out.

"Okay..?" Xiao asks, obviously confused at how flustered I am.

Either that or I've overanalyzed my situation and he hasn't noticed at all.

"" I stutter. Why can't I get the words out? Why can't I speak?

"Spit it out, Aether. I'm not going to tear your face off, I promise." Xiao says.

I blush harder and stare at the ground. He must be wondering why the heck I'm blushing profusely.

"Well, we're... we're friends, right?" I ask. He's never stated it out loud, but it's been implied that we're friends.

"Um, yeah?" Xiao says. I know that it must hurt him to say that, considering his backstory.

Now how do I continue? I mean, he hasn't said he hates me, so that's good right?

Alright, just get it OUT!

"Xiao, I-" I begin.

I get cut off as a purple string of energy enters the room. Both Xiao and I notice it. A look of determination and anger crosses Xiao's face.

He dashes forwards and grabs my shoulders, pushing me out of the way. His touch makes my arms feel weak.

A fox looking monster appears, blasting energy, burning a hole into the ground right where I was standing, and filling me with fear for my life.

"That's a- damn, what's it called?" Xiao says. Extremely helpful. "Can't remember. Haven't fought one of these in forever. Watch out for it. It's main attack can send you through realities if you're unlucky enough."

"Contrary to the last thing you couldn't remember the name of? The one that can literally mix you with an animal, turn you into a rock or whatever anyone can imagine?" I tease, trying to steady my breathing.

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