Can't We Just Have a Moment For Once!?

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Aether Pov

I watch Alatus and the crack in the sky with horror coursing through my body. Xiao just glares at Alatus, which is understandable.

"Alatus!" I say. "Don't do anything you'll feel to regret. The version of me from this world still loves you. I can feel it. Don't destroy that."

Alatus looks at me, his expression a mixture of sadness and anger.

"I get that you're confused. I really do. But doing a thing like this...hurting people...and you can take my word for it, that won't make me love you more." I say.

Alatus watches me with heart wrenchingly sad eyes.

"Just help us leave and you'll never have to hear from us again. You can have your Aether, and I can have mine." Xiao says to Alatus. "We automatically hate and repel each other, but we do not have to."

Alatus stays silent.

"Besides, Scaramouche won't do anything for you. He murdered one of my friends. You can't trust him. Once he's done with you, he'll kill you!" I cry.

I don't dislike Alatus, and I definitely do not want to see him die. I can only hope that my eyes succeed in telling him this.

The grey eyed boy sighs.

"Truth is...I really do trust you two more than I trust him." Alatus says.

"Wait... you're actually going to help us?" I ask in surprise?

Alatus looks at me in disbelief.

"I'm not evil!" Alatus says.

I sweatdrop and wave my hands.

"I-I didn't mean- it's just- normally people don't just immediately agree in this situation!" I say frantically.

Alatus rolls his eyes with a small smile.

"It's also because I watched your interaction with Xiao and you two are so cute that I can't be upset anymore." He teases.

I blush like I just came down with a fever and I feel Xiao turn red next to me.

"Um, nice moment and all, but what about the giant crack in the sky?" A new voice asks, making me jump.

I turn around to see a familiar girl with a messy blond ponytail.

"Yoimiya, you scared me!" I say, catching my breath.

She smiles, but it quickly fades.

"What the heck is going on?" She asks.

Wait, didn't Scaramouche say-

"Didn't Scaramouche say something about Venti?" I ask Alatus.

His grey eyes fill with guilt. He avoids my eyes.

Xiao notices and opens his mouth to speak.

"Speaking of Dandelion Wine..." A cheerful voice pipes up, scaring me for a second time.

I turn around to see Venti with his normal childish grin.

Alatus stares at Venti in shock and confusion.

"How? I thought I-" Alatus starts, but then stops.

Venti smiles wider.

"I'm not just a god, but I'm one of the original Seven Archons! I don't die that easily." Venti sings.

I think about the whole I don't die that easily statement for a moment, but I eventually paint it off as Alatus listening to Scaramouche.

I smile.

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