Three Cheers for Ignorant Optimism!!

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(A/N: Guess who sucks at writing romance scenes? This author right here 🥺)

Aether Pov

"I like you." I say, before quickly turning away.

Why did I say that!? He doesn't need me added to his problems!

"I thought we established that already...." Xiao says.

Dammit, he misinterpreted my statement.

Okay, time to take the Oni by the horns.

"No, I like you as in, you know, romantically." I say, blushing. I want to claw my heart out.

I feel Xiao staring at me. A light red color has dusted his cheeks. He says nothing and looks at me in shock.

I curl my hand into a fist, trying not to cry.

Of course he'll hate me. He's not a romantic person. I'm going to get rejected and-

"I don't understand you." Xiao says suddenly.

I look up at him.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

He turns away.

"Why am I better than the rest of them to you? Why you'd choose me over any of the pretty boys in our world? I'm literally evil incarnate." Xiao says.

I grab his hand.

"I chose you because I saw the real you in our adventures, and I fell in love with you." I say. Then I catch myself. "Gods, that was cheesy."

"You're such an idiot. I'll just hurt you." He says.

I feel warm tears stream down my face.

"You already have, and I've fought through it. We can fight through our problems together. Xiao, I love you. Please don't reject me." I say. It's almost like I'm running on autopilot.

He looks into my eyes silently before pulling me into a tight hug.

"I love you too." He says, crying as well.

I smile and let myself relax into his warm body.


I'm home.

I drift into sleep.

~Le Timeskip~

I wake up on the kitchen floor, still wrapped in Xiao's arms. He's still asleep, a peaceful look on his face. I smile and cuddle closer to him.

Thank the Archons he didn't reject me. I think I'd break inside.

I slip in and out of a half sleep state for a while until...

"We have a little bit of a problem." Xiao mutters. Looks like he finally woke up.

"What?" I ask.

"We're a little bit trapped." I realize that his right arm lost their tattoos, which arises questions inside me, but I hold them back.

"I'm assuming you lost your powers as well?" I ask.

He nods.

"We should probably get up off of the floor." Xiao says. Oh right, were still on the kitchen floor.

I get up, still half asleep. Xiao gets up as well and stretches.

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