101 Ways to Convince your Friends That You're Really an Immortal Being

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Xiao Pov

I glare at the boy who'd just burst through the hotel room door.

Why the hell does Alatus keep showing up?

"Wh-why are you threatening people?" Aether asks.

Alatus smiles.

"It's all for you, my dear~" He says to Aether.

"Aether wouldn't want to be with anyone who would threaten people's lives for the sake of 'love'." I say bitterly.

Alatus turns to me.

"Oh, but I thought you were a delinquent." He sings. "Don't you threaten people?"

"You are literally practically saying that Aether's chosen me over you." I say.

Alatus can't take my Aether away from me.

No one can.

Alatus smiles coldly at me.

"Aether is mine." He says.

I turn to Aether.

"Aether?" I ask.

I really don't want Aether to have to choose, especially with our situation, but I really don't think there is anything else we can do.

Aether looks between me and Alatus, with a sad, frantic expression.

He then gets up.

"Alatus. Hurting people and threatening people is not okay. I can't choose between you two in the circumstances that I'm in, and I don't want to anyways, because someone is going to get hurt." Aether says.

I mouth 'I agree' to him, and his eyes glitter with appreciation.

"What do you mean, circumstances? What circumstances?" Alatus asks. I can sense his frustration.

Aether looks sadly at Alatus.

Alatus shakes his head.

"No. Aether, you are mine. That damned delinquent stole you from me! And I will take you back, whether you want it or not!" He shouts.

"You don't get it, Alatus!" I say coldly. "You don't love him. You just want to possess him!"

"That isn't true!" Alatus shouts.

"No. It is true. If you truly cared about Aether, you'd respect his wishes. For example, if he said he wants me, you'd not leave it alone. You'd keep trying to obtain him." I say.

"Well, Aether'd never choose you. He's always loved me." Alatus responds bitterly.

"Did you not hear a thing he said? He said that isn't going to choose between us right now. And if you really knew him, you'd know that he wouldn't want to, because one of us will get our hearts broken." I say.

Alatus looks like he wants to pin me to the wall and tear out my throat.

But I don't blame him.

Love, even toxic love, can make you do things you'd never do.

"Didn't I give you something specifically for this situation?" A new voice says.

"Balladeer!" Alatus says in surprise to the boy who'd just arrived.

"Scaramouche?" Aether asks.

Scaramouche looks towards Alatus.

"Are you hesitating?" He asks.

"Wait...Scaramouche!?" Aether asks again.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

I get it now.

The Object of My Unholy Desire (Xiaoaether)Where stories live. Discover now