Prologue: Ember

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A/N: Hey guys! I just wanted to say that this is super cringy, for it is my very very first novel I have ever written in my life. I made it about a year ago, and thought you might want to read it. Lemme know what you guys think, and what I should change to make it better, please! I know I'm not all that popular, but maybe by the time you read this I am. I hope so! I want to share my work to the world so everyone can smile as much as I did in the process of this bud of my hobby. Make sure to enjoy and please vote, guys!

--Gabriella-Colling <3

Grace had to hurry. She could feel a trembling in the air around her that seemed to tell her 'Hurry! Hurry! Must get home! Hurry!' What is this feeling? Oh, wait for me! Grace thought, running down the sidewalk. She was freaking out and skipping classes for a feeling, which might not even be true. The canopy above her filtered in green light as she ran. The sky was blue, with grey clouds rumbling in. Will I make it? Is my hunch not even real? She remembered the egg she'd found on the ocean side, silvery-blue, in the black sand. She'd picked it up and called to her Poppa, who gasped and told her, "Grace, put that down!" Later, she had convinced Koi to let her keep it as long as she kept it in her room and made sure it was quiet and warm. Was I not supposed to bring in a small lid of warm water? What if it does not even hatch? Why am I trusting this stupid hunch? I could get in trouble for this! Grace held back her tears and kept running. She passed a lake with murky orange-brown water and turned her speed to a walk. Grace's shoes stuck in the mud as she detoured around the lake. She soon arrived at her small cabin, in a small grassy clearing behind the lake, and surrounded by trees. The light that once was shining, was now grey and cloudy. The rain began to fall as she opened the door to her house.

"Hello?" Grace called, hoping someone would answer. There was an answer, it was just startling. "Squawk!" Grace whipped her head around to see a bird standing behind her. The bird tilted his head to the side, and a piece of eggshell scattered the wood below its talons. "U-uh, hello there, are you my bird?" Grace asked it. She regretted it immediately. It's a bird! It can't TALK. But she kind of hoped it could, seeing as then she would have somebody to talk to when Koi and Zahra were at work. "Hello!" It spoke. Grace nearly screamed, until the bird said again, "Shhhhhhh! I'm your bird, yes, but only people who believe in mystic beasts and have raised one in an egg can understand us. I am not quite your bird; I am just a Reminance, or, singular, Reminant." It spoke. Singular? Does that mean this bird is more than one bird...?This is all confusing. Is this a dream? "You just said you were! What's a Reminance?" Grace asked. "Think of it as a reminder. Your egg is about to hatch. You are a brave girl. Hurry and wake up." "Huh? What's that supposed MEAAANNN!!" She screamed, as she was pulled up into the air, and dropped to the ground. Everything became blurry and disappeared into a smoky mist around her. Grace gasped for breath, as she woke up in her bed. Huh? Wasn't I running home? Grace thought. She pulled the covers off herself and looked out of the window. It was pouring down rain, and the sky was a dark blue. She looked down at her watch. 12:32 a.m.

Grace walked away from her window and walked over to the desk that held her egg. She picked it up carefully and cradled it as she walked back to her bed and sat down. As she got under her covers, her egg started to shake, Huh? Grace held her egg closer to her chest, did I not keep the egg warm enough? Am I supposed to help it out of its egg? What should I do? "Momma! Poppa!" Grace called down the stairs, holding her egg still as it rattled. Nobody answered her, nothing except a pecking noise. It was coming from her egg; it had cracks growing along the middle of it. Grace noticed the egg wasn't a pale white blue anymore; it was a warm fiery orange. Did Grace not take care of her egg properly? Did she kill it when it was still in its egg? Did she make some kind of horrible mistake? Was this normal? No egg she'd seen before looked like this, and she went hiking in various places quite a bit. The egg shuddered under her touch and the crack in the egg grew.

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