Chapter twenty-seven- Milo

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It must have just been a dream, because when I regained consciousness, I was still in the arena, proving that what I'd imagined (being abducted) was just a dream, and/or my fantasies of adventure were deciding to flash before my eyes... or something along those lines.

Kyra's face was a little scary as she said "Rosie...Rosie... ROSIE..." Under her breath.

"I kept that secret for a reason..." Her head lifted from the ground and the red veins around her irises surrounded her eyes, and her grin was even scarier. "My powers kill and destroy everything in its path. It isn't anything but a curse— it isn't even Mana. Or shouldn't be. No one needs to die because of my own powers, like it did my town. Not only will I not put my friends in danger, I won't put the whole world at risk. Unless you disagree and think the world should die and so should my friends? If you do, my familiar or not, I will kill you." She growled.

Alder didn't look in the least scared. Instead, he said, "Kyra... Your power isn't a curse. Your powers shouldn't even be called a curse— it should be called a Superpower. We need your powers in order to save the world— it may put us at risk, but it's better than countless people dying. The world may die in the process, but it's not going to happen— as long as you plan out how you use your powers, how long you use them, and where to use them, that won't be an issue. We trust you, so please listen to me." Kyra's face calmed down, just a bit, but she still shook her head.

"I won't even try to do something so sad. No matter what you say, I will not use my powers. I promised the moment my town was destroyed— Never again would I use my powers. Ever.

"...Okay. I'd like to hear about it—"

"DID SOMEONE SAY THEY NEEDED A MAP OF THE CASTLE?!" Called an awfully familiar voice. Down jumped a young orange and white feathered phoenix, a phoenix by the name Eve. From behind her, a dark Peacock Blue phoenix jumped down behind her. "Because if you did, we have one!" She ran up to our small circle, lightly shoved Alder away from Kyra, plopped down next to her, beckoned the blue phoenix to sit down next to Alder and herself. "Hey, Kyra. Why do you look upset?" She asked, as she set the map in the middle of all of us.

"...I would like you all to listen; it may not really be all that bad, it actually might be quite common; but I still want you to listen... I want to tell you now, while we are all still alive and together and before I forget— about the story of my childhood." 

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