Chapter thirty-three- Milo

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"Sasha, I understand why you are unhappy, but... We voted on this."

"Who said I was unhappy with this? I am glad that we stayed, but we also need more food. I'll go hunting, okay Milo? You and the others stay here." Before I could even stop her, she was already flying away.

"Guys, she's not acting like herself. She isn't generally this nice." Alder said. "She is normally teasing everyone and being the one to make farting noises in the middle of the Keeper meetings... Which is bad, because she's the captain; the Elder (although she isn't old).She is very demanding, too. I don't think... she's... exactly... Well, it's hard to explain. Never mind."

My face was covered in confusion.

"AHEM! Now, never mind that, we must go to sleep now, while we wait for dinner, kid."

"Please call me Milo, adult."

"Smart ass..." He mumbled.



I walked away over to Phantom and curled up near her tail.

"Ruff -er- rough day? Um- er- um, do- do you care when an animal like me sits on your lap?"

"Yeah, it has been rough. And I don't mind if you sit on my lap, if that's what you're asking," I say. She clears her throat and hmphed.

"No, that was NOT what I was asking, but if you INSIST..."

We were both drifting off when I heard something— a low growl. I open my eyes, and to my horror, I realize... a bright yellow phoenix with red eyes and a sharp black stalactite-like thing driven through her chest.

Phantom growled again. Her fur was on end, standing up on spikes. "Phantom, where are the others?!" I yell, feeling my terror rise up through my skin, making tiny little goosebumps on my arms and legs.

"Hiding in the cave! We can try to Purge her Soul, but we have to be careful! That right there is Queen Daffodil! If we are not careful, we could die. You want to know why? Well, that's because she's Queen Widow right now." 

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