Chapter twenty-two- Ember

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Ferno had told Kyra his plan, and they began to sort out a way to put it to the test.

"Queen Daffodil was evil, you say?" Kyra asked. "What did you see to make you think THAT? If I'm being perfectly honest," she pointed to her shadow. "I think Queen Shadow is more evil," she said. "I mean, she has Shadow Mana!"

"You have a point," Ferno said, "BUT— that's what I thought as well." Ferno sighed. "Until I was proved wrong— I peeked into an open door and Queen Daffodil said she'd let out the 'thing'" He sighed. "Plus I had the dream, and I find it hard to believe that it was just a 'dream.' And it doesn't matter now; she's dead."

"Oh...Well, what about that guy, what was his name, Chestnut? Isn't he suspicious?" She smacked a fist to her right palm that Ferno had seen Grace do when she came up with a good idea.

"Well, I guess, but I think he's being controlled as well, like the others," he recalled being with Aveen coming down the hallway when Chestnut had come around the corner and talked to them.

"What proof do you have?" Kyra said.

"Well," Ferno explained his encounter with him after Bael and Belle had showed up, and he had matured.

"Woah, woah, woah," Kyra said. "Hold up." She leaned in closer to Ferno, making him slightly uncomfortable. "You know Bael and Belle?"

"Yes. Bael... Well, I met her—"

"NONONO!" Kyra interrupted. "Bael isn't a GIRL."

"Oh... Wait— WHAT?!" Kyra's words sunk into Ferno's mind.

"Right?! Anyway, continue, continue," Kyra said.

"WELL. I met Bael back when I got separated from Terra and the rest of my friends," he explained what had happened. "Then, out of nowhere, a voice tells me to retreat— A female one. Bael. Belle I met back when I matured. She told me the prophecy..." He said, "...and I am trying to cure Alder and Ram, because like I said, they are being controlled. I am still looking for Sasha. As you know, Terra attacked me, so she must be controlled, as well." He left out his sad moments, like it was his fault that it even happened. He twisted his story, and it sounded quite happy, even though it very definitely was not.

Kyra brought her talon to her chin and thought for a second before saying, "then let's worry about your plan later and focus on getting your friends back," she said. "Then, as a group, we can face the queen and save the world. I like the sound of that. But, please, um, I don't want to be the hero. If you must, say I am a villain."

"...If you're sure—"

"Raaaugh!" Kyra yelled suddenly. A small human with matted brown hair and black glasses bumped into her tail and scurried backward when he saw what he did.

"I'm sorry ma'am! I didn't mean to bring you any harm!" He said.

"How can you speak Warnian?" Ferno demanded.

"Because he's Milo!!!" Kyra said excitedly. Koda snuggled up to Kyra's neck, and fell asleep again like he had before.


A red Crimson Rosella Parrot squawked and flapped her wings. "Master! Master! Brought Milo! Like asked!" She said.

"Oh," Kyra said. "But what about Twirl?"

"She died. Died. DIED." She said.


And so, Twirl's death story was told by none other than Milo, the kid that was in his dream. 

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