Chapter ten- Ember

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Ember, Sasha, Terra, Ram, and Alder reached a small log cabin with a sign that said:

Welcome to Fire Stone Orphanage! Come in, come all to a nice variety of phens! Come in, come all!

Ember held the door open for Terra, who was the last one in.

"Thank you, Ember. I wonder what this place is. I've been past this area so many times and have never seen this orphanage." Terra wondered.

"I've only been here once, and I didn't see it either," Ember said in agreement.

"That's because it has barrier magic. Enough lousing around. In." Sasha said seriously.

"Magic?! This world has magi—" Ember started.

"It may not seem like it but that was supposed to be a joke, because, you know, in? This place is an inn? And she's telling us to go in? And—" Terra interrupted.

"If you explain a joke, it is no longer funny. And you interrupted Sir Ember." Said Ram.

"Just Ember is fine..." Ember blushed.

"True, true, true, true." Sasha said.

"That was another joke! Sasha was saying true to all of us and that's funny because—"

"What did I just say? Did you listen? Do you ever listen? NO." Terra nodded innocently, "Mmhmm! I know! You said to explain jokes to make them funnier!"

Ram scowled, "no, I didn't. LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY TO YOU PRINCESS. It'll really help you when you become queen." Ram sighed, "you can't become a good queen without others to help you out." Terra nodded in agreement, "yeah, and I know just who to invite; Ember and Sasha!"

Ember smiled at her shyly and walked inside the orphanage as well.

"What about me?" Alder and Ram asked at the same time. "We'll see; boys aren't my jam." Terra winked.

"B-but Embers' a boy!" Alder protested.

Terra shrugged, "anyway. Good morning!" Terra called out to a phoenix who was asleep in her chair. "Wah-wah?" She looked around herself, "oh my, falling asleep on the job again... Welcome to Fire Stone Orphanage! What can we do for you today, dearies?" She asked, sitting up.

"We'd like to take 2 orphans, please." Sasha said, reaching out of her pouch 7 gold. She set them on the counter.

"Oh, hee-hee, for two orphans it's 10 Golan!" She fiddled with the gold happily. Sasha glared at the woman with hatred, "don't lie to a Keeper." She said sternly, "or you will regret it." She showed her teeth, which for some reason were about the size of daggers. The woman squeaked and shied away from Sasha,

"I-I'm so sorry, Ma'am Keeper..." She noticed Ember behind Sasha and asked, "why do you need two orphans? You already have 3 kids and a husband," She pointed to Terra, Ember, Ram, and Alder.

"That is none of your business." Ram said snottily.

"Hey! Don't go spouting rude things to random commoners!" Sasha protested.

"I didn't! You're the one doing it!" They bickered at each other until Terra stepped in, "guys... please stop fighting, would you?" She walked up to the woman behind the counter. "I'm sorry about them. What's your name, ma'am?" Terra smiled. "M-my name is Zealin," she said.

"Nice to meet you, Zealin. My name is Terra. The reason we need two orphans is because we're taking a trip that needs more phoenixes." Terra beckoned Ember over, "after the tournament, me, Ember, and the two orphans we chose will come with us." Terra winked at Ember, which probably meant she wasn't sharing her real status quite yet.

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