Chapter fifteen (Part One)- Milo

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I sat up with a yawn and blink until my eyes adjusted to the light around me.

Kyra's already up, so I watch her as she opens the door quietly and closes it behind her. Where is SHE going? Something inside of me tells me it isn't a good idea to follow her. So I don't. I know falling back asleep is going to be IMPOSSIBLE, so I sit up in bed and try something even though I thought it was crazy.

"Murky..." I cooed to him. "Muuuurkyyy..." I say a little louder.

"Blorburb...." He said. I grinned and said the same thing, copying the exact syllables as he used –or, at least, I tried to—, and, somehow, I knew exactly what it meant. It... Wasn't exactly a good or bad thing... But I guess what he said would be a bad thing, in some ways.

What he said was: "What, you selfish, mean, crawfish of a person?" Rude. If I were Twirl, I would PROBABLY start crying. But, I mean, she might have changed over the years...

"Murky! Don't be rude!" Twirl mumbled in her sleep.

What...? I grin.

Another idea popping through my head, I decide to... test the unavoidable truth, because, once my head is on to something, I can't back out... Or stop thinking about it, so, to avoid a headache, I decided to test it.(Alright, I admit it, that was an excuse, stop giving me that look.)

I wish I could be Twirl and know what her life is like... But that will never happen. I picture Twirl's body and voice when she talked, and how she ate and all the things I knew about her that she could do.

Soon, I felt the sucking feeling once more, and I realized that I had succeeded. I grin again.

When I open my eyes...

I see Twirl sleeping still.

DARN IIIIIIT! I say, slightly agitated. I decided to try again. The same thing happens. On the third try...

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