Chapter nine- Milo

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I start to freak out-and I can't stop myself this time. I can't because Twirl wasn't awake yet. I can't because I'm a cricket and not myself. ...Did I die? And if so... Maybe I was accidentally... put into the same moment...? No... My actual self is still breathing. So... Why am I a cricket?! THIS IS SO NOT LOGIC. I try to groan, but instead what comes out is a WAY TOO LOUD shriek. I jumped, making the earth underneath me tremble. Eve laughed, "what made this li'l monster have the jumpies all of a sudden?" I growl in my throat, which actually sounded pretty much like a growl... Just deeper than I was used to. Even though I was a cricket, how I felt was normal. I felt like myself. I took a breath, knowing that I needed to calm down.

It didn't work.

I sigh and look up at the sky. The blue sky was now a milky orange and pink. Sunset already huh? I smile. I figured I looked ridiculous, but... Whatever. Even though I'm a cricket... I realize just how much my height difference made the place I was just in my human form look like a completely different place entirely. I could see so many towns made of stone, and I could see miles and miles ahead of me in the end. Wait a minute. Why did Eve's voice suddenly sound crystal clear? I think back to when she laughed and I nodded my head. I decided I'll try to talk.

"How come your voice is suddenly crystal clear, hooman?" I put the joke on the end only to get a chuckle and a head-shake.

"So that's how it is...? I had a dream about you." Eh? "If you're wondering why you are a cricket, I am not the one to help you. You can find out for yourself. I don't like doing things for people. I will help you in some ways, but not entirely." She grinned. "Come with me," Eve grinned. "Slouch the girl named Twirl on my back and the boy named Milo as well and we'll go on a 'walk.'" I nod and walk (stomp) over to where Twirl still lay. I carefully use my hind legs to support her back and neck. I carefully walk back over to Eve and lay her down on Eve's back, just like she asked. I did the same for my body.

"Good. Now, come with me." She signaled in front of her. I obeyed, and we walked forward for a few minutes before she stopped and turned to look at me.

"...Who are you really? It's not possible for you to be a 'talking cricket.' At first, I thought you might be Milo, but... You are definitely not. The way you talk, your language you speak, the way you do everything, is different." Eve said, pointing out my legs.

Well, duh! I have more legs and I'm heavier!

"What do you mean? I'm... Well, I'm me." I pause. "Well, what I mean is Milo if that makes more sense, Eve. I'll tell you how it happened if you like." I say, hoping that it would make more sense.

"...What." Eve says, staring at me, her eyes wide in shock. She started to pace, her front right talon under her chin, which rested on top of it. Her brows furrowed as she paced to the small creek and back to where she was standing before.

"Don't tell me... No, that's not possible. THIS isn't possible! Why... is this so hard...?"

Huh? What isn't possible?

I walk over to Eve and rest one of my gross cricket legs on her shoulder.

"I have no idea why you are freaking out, but, what I do know is that everything will be alright." I smile, which probably made things even worse. She looked down at me with a face of confusion, stress and worry. I pat her shoulder, hoping to make her feel better.

After a few minutes, Eve was standing up, her face calm and excited.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything like... THIS to happen." She nervously laughed. We walked along the creek that had started to get thicker.

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