Chapter twelve- Milo

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"Milo... Who's he?" Twirl asked in Camrade, inching towards me, pointing to a shadow in the tree. Murky climbed up her neck and head and settled in her hair, draping its tentacles over her forehead. "It's probably your imagination," I say, remembering the time she said she saw and heard a unicorn whinny when it was just a mule eating a carrot. Murky snuggled into Twirl's neck.

I giggled, smiling slightly. "Murky really loves you," I say.

I see a bunny in the bush farther ahead of me. "Aw, look at the bunny! SO cute!" Twirl reads my mind.

"I am NOT cute, human..." It mumbled. I stared at it, not sure what I was processing. "Aw! Milo, did you hear it squeak at me? I think it likes me!" Twirl squeals, whipping her head over to look at me, nearly sending Murky into the air.

"...No... I heard it talk." I whisper hesitantly. Right before Twirl can answer, a body dressed in black jumped down from the exact tree that Twirl had pointed to saying that she saw a silhouette.

"Oh, you won't be leaving, Cursed." He said nastily.

My body moved on its own,
"Cursed? How rude! No one here is CURSED, but maybe you are! If you want to cause trouble, then fight someone your own size!" I say. I immediately regret it; making him angry could make this a lot harder and/or less safe.

"Oh, but you are mistaken. You have met me, so let me come with you. That is all I must say. My name is Aph. I will be taking you to Fire Den Castle now, " He grinned.

"I will be your ambassador, Your Highness Princess Evening..." Said another figure, coming out of the shadows of the tree. She jumped down as well.

Eve's face welled up with joy, and her eyes sparkled, while Kyra stared at the green Phoenix in disgust. Eve excitedly smiled, "Raun! I missed you SO much! I see you haven't changed, though," She said, pouting slightly.

She laughed lightly. "So... I see you made some friends? Well, you may bring your pets, but you may not bring The Curse." Aph said with a low creepy chuckle. "And that's only if you do what we say... Or else I will kill your friend, Raun, and your pets....... Do be careful, dearie..." It was just then that I noticed that Raun's talons were clasped in handcuffs, just like at home when someone was about to be arrested. All of it was the same.

"Milo... I'm scared." Twirl whispered, hugging my arm.

"I am too... But we'll be okay," I say in Camrade. Although I sounded calm, inside I was screaming at myself. I was TERRIFIED. But I knew that I had to be strong. For Twirl. She nods, and Murky's left antenna goes in and out, as if to wink at her and make Twirl laugh. Instead, Twirl pats his/her head.

"Now... Let's start by..." He ran over to Eve so fast, that before I could even process what was happening, Eve was already in cuffs. When I finally knew what was going on, I was too late because Raun and Eve had disappeared. What the heck? I shake my head.

Twirl bent over slowly. "I can make a portal, so please, Kyra, Milo, touch the palm of my hand." She whispered. We obeyed and closed her eyes. It was the same process as before. It feels like months ago that I saw Pops. I hope we get to say hello to our home sometime in the future, I think to myself with a sigh.

We all stepped into the portal, Kyra a little hesitantly, and arrived at where we first met Leda, the owl form of Eve.

Kyra gasped and dropped down to the grass and moved her bushy cat tail out of the way to reveal several strapped pouches around her back legs and thighs. She opened a tall pouch and pulled out the map.

"I thought so," She said with a chuckle to herself. "Look right here. This town, Heriagon, is where Eve had a vision about a phoenix named Ember... And I'm also looking for him. Sadly, if we want to save her from the castle, we'd have to go along this river here. For now, I'd say let's rest for the night and head out tomorrow morning," She said, dragging her claw along the drawn stream of 'Tide Stream.'

"I wish I knew where I was." She said, I was about to say where we were right when the map began to vibrate. An X mark appeared right where we were: Valley of the Fallen. Or, otherwise known as 'Fallen Valley.'

"Let's head into Heriagon. It should be just over here," Kyra said, standing up and pointing to the West. Me and Twirl both nod. "Okay."

We begin to walk so I take the chance to look around; I hadn't before, at least, not much. There was a small creek to my left that trickled a relaxing tune. Other than flower buds, grass, creeks, and mountains in the distance, there wasn't much to see.

Once we reach Heriagon, I realize it's the village entrance near where we met Leda, a.k.a. Eve.

I can read the sign just fine; "Heriagon City." From the looks of it, it looked like a big city. In the middle of the city, there stood a clock tower. Even farther, there was an ominous castle.

We entered the city, wary of anyone that may be a threat to us. A merchant called us over. "You new here? I can help you look for anything you like," she said with a sweet smile.

"We're looking for an inn." Kyra said naturally. She smiled again and showed us where the best and cheapest place would be, which would be "Fire Den Orphanage." When we asked why she was pointing out an Orphanage, she said that the owner of the store lends a bed or two to phens who need it. We nodded, thanked her, and left.

"Welcome to Fire Den Orphanage, how may we help you?" Said an employee in front of them. We explained that we needed a room to sleep in just for the night.

"Okay! Right this way!" She charged us nothing for the room, but she did for the meal. Luckily for us, Kyra had a pouch full of gold coins.

As we settled into our room, we chatted.

"Kyra, did you know who Aph and Raun are? And I didn't know Eve was a princess," Twirl said in as best Warnian as she could. Murky made a burping noise and climbed down her neck, and stomach and settled on her lap.

"Sadly, I do not." Kyra said.


After a bit of silence, I say, "do you mind if I call it a night? I'm exhausted," I yawn. They both nod, and I climb into my bed on the far right of the room.

"Good night." Twirl says.

"Good night," I say back.

Eventually, I realize everything will be okay, and that I have nothing to worry about; Eve will be fine. As sleep caught up with my overworked brain, I drifted off to a sleep I would never have dreamed of having when someone was in trouble.

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