Chapter two- Kyra

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"You will never be free, even if you manage to escape here, there is no escaping your curse- and your destiny to die from it."

"No! That can't be true! MOTHER! HELP ME!"

"I'm sorry Kyra."

"MOTHER!!!! Father...?"


"Father...! Mother...! Why?!"

"Kyra?" Eve, Kyra's friend, woke her. Just a dream, just a... dream...

"Yeah? Sorry, I was having another one of those nightmares I told you about the other day... No big deal, heh, heh, heh..." She shook it off like it was no big deal. She lived by the Tide Lake, which was said to be cursed. And I'm what's cursed it, apparently. There was no way Kyra would embarrass herself in front of her crush— they'd lived together for 2 years now, and she was the only one she'd ever met who liked her for who she was. Not only that, but she understood her. She was also just like her— a Morpheen.

"Oh, good. I was worried. Are you sure though? You were twitching a lot and you were really tense... But if you say you're fine, then I trust you."

This was another thing that Kyra loved about Eve— caring and trustworthy as well as overprotective of her. Most of the Phoenixes, Hippogriffs, Morpheens, and Phipogrixes would glower down their beaks at her, and all of the other Morpheens that liked her were executed for supposed "murdering" of the royals. But that wasn't true at all for Eve, who protected her instead of anything else the other Morpheens did. She knew she'd follow Eve to the end of the world and back, but... She didn't even know if Eve liked her the way she did. And besides— this wasn't the time for love anyway, they had to find "The One'' as Eve called it. Apparently when royal Morpheens are born, they either are normal, or they have the "Touch." The Touch is a gift from the Fire Goddess who shows you a snippet from the future or a vision, as the Morpheens called it. When they get that vision, it means that something bad is going to happen and you need to fix it. If you failed, well, you'd be killed by the Goddess herself. Wow. Talk about pushy, Kyra had thought.

Apparently, what had happened in the vision was blood and death. It was something about Grime and The Two Legendary Mimes of Time... And how someone was going to fail to stop it if Eve and Kyra don't find him. The Goddess gave Eve a hint— "Look down the deepest colors of black white and blue- if you do not find him, then check the blood and the sand for a trace of his success." Eve had shrugged, "weird, but the Goddess has never lied... At least, so far she hasn't."

Kyra sighed, "and how are we going to find the two mimes of time? I mean— they're legendary... and—"

"You called, Kyra?" A deep voice filled her head. Heartbeat-like pulses of pain shot through her head. "My name is Bael, and I will serve you... As long as you kill a few of my enemies for me...Princess Evening, I'm sure you'll help me just fine... After all, you killed your brother...Just so you could have what you wanted." The voice who called herself Bael appeared in front of Kyra. A female phoenix-thing stood beside her. She had feathery wings that were not anything like a phoenix. They were twice the size of her body and head combined. Above her head was a red halo, snapped in two parts. Her eyes were golden, like a hawk, surrounded by red corruption, just like what Kyra had seen destroy her old town (not that she cared- she now lived in such a beautiful home with such a beautiful roommate that she didn't really care about her old town much anymore), She had human legs and a human body as well as a human face.

Kyra felt her muscles lock up again, hoping for one thing... Eve... Don't you dare tell me you're a murderer... A murderer who's been killing royals... If you're a royal and you killed your brother, he would be a royal too... And that would make you the cause of my pain and hatred toward our kind.

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