My Alpha.

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I turn off my blaring alarm clock and roll out of bed to get ready for school. I go in the bathroom to brush my teeth until I hear loud banging at my door. I throw on my robe cause all I'm wearing is underwear with no shirt and pants. I look through my peephole and I see a tall, handsome guy with blueish and kinda black hair.

I realized it was Kageyama and quickly let him in. "Good morning." I can tell his voice is still a little raspy after he woke up. Kageyama comes over to my house every morning so we can walk together to school. Honestly it's super sweet that he likes to walk with me. When I first met him I thought he was a cold meanie, but he actually a meanie who has a heart. "Good morning." I say back almost forgetting to say it back.

"Looks like your not ready for school as usual." I looked down to see that I'm still in my robe with just underwear. I blushed in embarrassment when I realized I just have underwear and a robe on. "O-oh yea haha. I'm gonna go change now." I quickly run up to my room brush my teeth, wash my face, and put on my clothes. I quickly head back downstairs to see Kageyama half asleep on my couch. I lightly shake him awake. "Hey Kageyama, wake up we gotta get going." He wiggles around, but doesn't wakes up.

All of a sudden he pulls me into his arms and now I'm laying on his chest. "Ummm K-Kageyama?" I see him flutter his eyes open and once he sees me his eyes widen. "O-Oh, I'm sorry." I get up and he gets up to and we straighten our clothes. "We should get going." We head out the door and I lock it behind me and we head off to school.


When we headed out the door, I blushed when I was remembering the thought of me and Hinata cuddling on the couch. I really like Hinata a lot and I want him to be my mate. I hope he feels the same. I was knocked out of my thoughts when we arrived to school. We soon got to the gym for morning practice. We went to the changing room and changed our clothes.

I also peeked at Hinata a few times while he was changing. He's so cute. We then leave the changing room to go warmup with everyone else. "Good morning Kageyama. How are you?" Suga was a great friend and very cheery. He was also like the mom of the group. "I'm doing good. Thanks for asking." He gave me a smile and walked back over to Daichi which was his mate. They been mates ever since they were first years and now that's third years. I hope Hinata becomes my mate forever.

~After Practice~

We finally get out of practice and head to class. "Kageyama. Do you wanna have a sleepover at my house? My parents are out of town and won't be home until Monday and my little sister will be over he friend's house." A sleepover would be nice to go to with him, but what if he starts his heat. I won't be able to control myself when the pheromones kick in. "Sure, I don't mind." He jumps up and down in a circle. He is so adorable.

~After School~

"Daichi-San said there won't be practice due to the storm that's gonna happen later. He said that the power might go out and that makes me sad." This dork really loves volleyball so much. Well I can't lie I love it to. We soon make it to my house to get clothes. "Hello Hinata. How are you today?" "I'm doing good, but I'm sad volleyball practice got canceled." I just look at him and chuckled. "Kageyama let's talk up in your room before you go."

I didn't know what she wanted to talk about, so we just went in my room and sat on my bed. She pulled out a bag from her room with a couple of things in it. "Now I want you to take these with you." I look in the bag and immediately start blushing of embarrassment. "Mommmmm I don't need these. He hasn't even started his heat." "I know, but just to be safe. I don't want you guys to have pups this early."

I love my mom she was sweet, caring, and super supportive of me. If I ever had a pup at an early age with someone. She was gonna be there to support me all the way. "I'll take one pack that's it." She looks at me then reaches in the bag to give me three. "Mommmm." "What? You never how many rounds you will do. I'm just being cautious." I grabbed the three packs and quickly stick them in my pocket. "Ok I gotta go. I love you." She gives me a kiss on the cheek and says "I love you back." What did I do to deserve a mom like that? I then head downstairs and grab my suitcase and me and Hinata head to his house.


I was super nervous of Kageyama coming over to my house. What if I start my heat and won't be able to control myself. I start to release some sour pheromones which I think Kageyama realizes. "Umm you ok? Your releasing some sour pheromones." I quickly calm myself down releasing some calm pheromones. "Yea, all good." We soon make it to my house and I unlock the door.

I turn on the lights to find Natsu toys everywhere. "Seriously mom. Sorry about the mess it's Natsu." He looks at me and just smile. "It's ok, I'll help." He helps me pick up all Natsu's toys and put them in her basket. After all that was finished, Kageyama put his stuff down in my room and we sat down and put a movie on.

~During The Movie~

"Haha, I knew that dude was the killer." "Yea, I guess you were right, but my guess was also good." Me and Kageyama spent the whole movie guessing who the killer would be and I obviously won. "Kageyama you can take your shower if you want to." He nods and heads up to my room. I then go in the kitchen and make us some curry and rice which I know is both me and Kageyama's favorite.

I start by taking the rice out and boiling it. The steam felt so good on my face. It took a while for me to cook the curry, but finally I got it. I then felt a pair of muscular arms grab my waist. "Whatcha making?" "Curry and rice." He then let's go of me and helps me with the cooking. "I'm kind of a bad cook, so you might have to show me the ropes." I giggle at how cute his face was when he said that.


After we finish cooking we sit down and have light conversation while eating. "Ughhh it's hot. Are you hot?" I see him pull off his shirt revealing his top part of his body. "Ughhh I'm still hot." He then take off his pants which has me red as a tomato. I see him crawl over to me and he sits on my lap. "Your body feels kind of cold." I look down at him and see he is smelling my scent. Then I realized that he was starting his heat. "Dumbass, you need suppressants. Your starting your heat."

I pick him up bridal style to his room and lay him in his bed. "Stay here, I'll go get your suppressants." I quickly hurry downstairs and get his suppressants and some water and I head back upstairs. I come back to find him completely naked. I was bright red when I saw him like that. "Kageyamaaaaa, it's hot." I hurry beside him trying not to look at his body and give him his suppressants and water. "Here take this you'll feel better."

He takes the suppressants and drinks the water. I was about to get up from kneeling down, but then he pulled me on my collar and pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled away quickly because I know I won't be able to control myself if I kept going. "S-Sorry, I know you didn't like it." I felt bad, so I gave him another peck on the lips. "O-Of course I did, Sho." He then smiles and I was red as tomato.

"Um do you wanna be my boyfriend?" My stomach twist and turned at those words. I was super happy that he asked me that question. "Yea I will, now put some clothes on." He just giggled when I said that releasing some happy pheromones. Man I love his laugh it's so calm. He then goes in his closet and grabs him some clothes and puts them on. "How are you feeling now?"

I asked while still staring at him. "I'm doing better, but I was thinking when my next heat comes. Which is like next weekend. Maybe you want to spend it together and officially become my mate." I was blushing hard when he said that. "Y-Yea and we can go to my house my mom will be on a business trip for about 5 months, so I'll have the house to myself. He smiled at me and climbed in bed. We cuddled and smelled each other scents causing us to drift off to sleep.


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