Moving In Together

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It has been at least a week since we made it back from Tokyo. I told my parents about my pregnancy and they were a 100% supportive. I also told them about how we're planning to move in together, so they said they're gonna lend some money to help. I was knocked out of my thoughts when my phone was ringing. I look over to see it was Yamaguchi.

"Hey Yamaguchi what's up?" "I found a house online that you might like I wanted you guys to look at it." Ever since we left Tokyo we been looking at houses so that we will be ready when the pups come. "Ok just send it to my email." I hang up my phone and go to my email to check out the house. "Woah this is crazy." My mom looks around the corner confused. Then she walks up to me. "Is everything ok sweetie?" "Yamaguchi sent me a house that's a little over our budget and it's super big."

Our budget was two million dollars. My parents are gonna give us about 800,000 dollars to get the house and the rest of the money will come from Tsukishima, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi parents, but knowing Kageyama's parents they'll probably give us over 100 million which will be to much. "If Kageyama parents give you up to 100 million dollars what will you guys do with it?" "I don't know, but it's kind of hard to find houses for 2 million so we might have to go higher.

I soon get a call from Kageyama. "Hey Tobio what's up?" "Hey so my mom found a house and she wants us to get it." I was scared of how big the house would be, but I told her to send it to my email. As soon as I opened it my jaw dropped. "Kageyama tell your mom this house is way out of our budget." "I tried, but she insisted that she'll pay she's already on the phone with the agent."

Once Kageyama mom sets her mom on something she never changes it, so there's no turning back now. "Tell your mom thank you, but she doesn't have to do this." "Ok I'll call you later. I love you." "I love you to." I hang up the phone and scroll through the pictures of the house.


"Mom, Sho said thank you, but it's all to much." She looks at me and just laughs. "Honey it's not to much. I would do anything for you guys and I'm here to support you all the way." I smile and start scrolling through my computer at houses. "Ok so the agent arranged an appointment for us to come look at the house tomorrow at 9 in the morning." I look at her with a sad expression.

"Mom let's just start off with something small please. I don't want Sho to stress. We'll start small then think of a bigger house. Ok?" She looks sad at first, but then gives me a smile. "I guess so, but I'm still gonna get the house just for the future." I chuckled at her. I know she really won't buy the house.

I hear my phone ring and pick it up. "Hey Sho." "Hey tell your mom thanks for letting us start small also I'm gonna send you a house that Tsukishima and Yamaguchi like." "Ok I'll check it out" I hang up and head to my email to check the house. It looks like the perfect size house for all of us. It had 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 3 attached garage spaces, central air and heat, and a pool which is super big. It's also under our budget so now we can save money

I text the group chat that we made with the 4 of us and typed "I think this is the one." I seen Sho typed back he's gonna register a tour for tomorrow at 9 in the morning. I closed my computer, took a shower, then went to bed.

~The next morning~

My alarm woke me up on a weekend telling me that it was time to get up and go check the house. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on my clothes. I head downstairs and see my mom cooking breakfast. "Good morning sweetie, want breakfast?" "No thanks, but have you seen-." "Your keys are sitting by the door." I smile when she always remember where my stuff is when I can't. "Thanks mom I'll be back later." "Ok bye."

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