Another Test

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I wake up looking for Hinata, but he wasn't in bed. I get up and go look in the bathroom to see him brushing his teeth. I go up behind him and put my arms around his waist. "Good morning Sho." I say while grabbing his ass. He spits out his toothpaste and rinses his mouth. He turns around and gives me a kiss. "Good morning Tobio." I smile and give him one more quick peck on the lips.

"How you feeling today?" He changes his clothes getting ready for our first match. "I'm feeling better, but I did get up in the middle of the night a lot to pee and I only threw up two times." I look at him and smile. "Well you may not be pregnant after all, but we still are gonna be safe and take the other test Sunday morning right when we get up." He nods and smiles at me.

We both are finally ready and we go down to join the team. Noya comes and jump on Hinata. "Hinata are you feeling ok? You pheromones smell kind of different." Noya is an omega to and omegas usually can detect if other omegas are pregnant or not. "Oh yea I'm okay. How are you?" They keep going with some light conversation until it was time to load the bus. "Has anyone seem Yamaguchi?" Daich-San asked with a worried expression. "I think he went to the bathroom. I'll go get him." Hinata ran off to look for Yamaguchi.


I ran off to find Yamaguchi in the bathroom throwing up. "Yamaguchi are you ok?" He didn't respond all he did was throw up. After he finished throwing up he finally talked to me, but his voice seemed very shaky. "I...I-I think I might be pregnant. I was shocked and I knew it had to be Tsukishima it was obvious they liked each other and I can clearly see the mate bite on his neck.

"Hey can I tell you a secret?" He looks up at me with tears in his eyes and nods his head. "I'm thinking that it's the same with me." He looks up at me with a shocked expression. "When me and Kageyama mated I had to pee a lot and was throwing up. I took a test that came out positive, but me and Kageyama think it's to early, so I'm gonna take another one tomorrow morning. Kageyama brought about 5 boxes full of tests. Tomorrow morning just come to my room and we'll find out together."

He nods and hugs me tightly. "Thank you Hinata." I didn't hesitate to hug him back. We headed back to the bus and sat down in our seats. "What took you so long?" "Oh Yamaguchi just felt a little sick that's all, but he's all better." He looks at me and smile. I didn't want to say that Yamaguchi thinks he's pregnant. Tsukishima has ears like a freaking dog, so of course he will hear us. It took about 10 minutes to get to the gym where all the team was. "KENMA!"

I run up and give Kenma a big hug and he hugs me back. "Sho, your pheromones smell different are you feeling ok." I quickly jump off of him remembering that other omegas can smell if your pregnant or not. "Oh yea I just got sick earlier, but I'm fine." He shrugs it off and we head in the gym to warm up.

~After the game with Nekoma~


"Yesss we won and now I can pee." I run to the bathroom quickly to pre and I see Yamaguchi come out the stall. "Oh Yamaguchi, did you feel sick again." "No I only had to pee. I nod my head and run in the stall to pee. After I come out I wash my hands and head out the bathroom. I see Kenma talking to Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo. I go join them and I see Kageyama walking towards me.

"We're gonna go so yea bye." Kageyama pulled me away from everyone which made me mad. "Kageyama what is your problem." He looks at me mad which kind of scares me. "I don't want you hanging around those alphas." I switch our hands and I pull him into the bathroom and lock the door.

"What is your problem you probably scared Kenma and the rest of the alphas who already have mates of their own."

"I-I don't know I just don't want you hanging around other alphas like that."

"Tell me what is the problem!"

"I don't want you hanging around them because I'm in love with you."

I basically tearing up right now at those word he was saying. He was in love with me?

"I'm so in love with you I can control myself when I'm around you. If your pregnant I'm glad because I want it to be you to carry our pup. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you. I want to have pups with you. I want to live with you. I want to do everything with you. I love you so much Sho."

I'm now crying right now at those words. All of a sudden I feel a warm embrace around my body. Kageyama was holding me, kissing my cheek, and whispering sweet things in my ears.

*Hic* I *hic* love you *hic so much *hic* too

I couldn't get the words out, but he knew what I was trying to say. "Come on dry your face and let's go." I dried my face and we headed out to the bus. "See you next to Kenma." I waved and got on the bus. Few minutes later we make it back to the hotel, eat dinner, and went to bed.

~The Next Day~

"Yamaguchi everything will be ok just get Tsukishima up, explain everything to him, and bring him over here." "Ok thanks Hinata. We'll be over in 5 minutes." I hang up the phone with Yamaguchi. Him and Tsukishima were getting ready to come over so me and Yamaguchi can take our tests. I been feeling better and not throwing up as much as I was last just still a lot of peeing. I get Kageyama up and explain everything to him. He understands and goes and changes his clothes.

Few minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open the door and I see Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. I gesture them for both of them to come in. Me and Yamaguchi head in the bathroom ready to take our tests. Yamaguchi took two while I only took one. "I'm gonna set the timer for three minutes." I soon set the timers and now we just wait.


Me and Tsukishima wait outside for them to finish. I could tell he was super nervous and I was to. "Oi bean pole. It'll be alright whatever happens it happens. If they come out positive we're gonna be great fathers." He looks at me and just chuckles. "Thanks king." I chuckled at the smart remark he gave me. We both here the timers go off and stand up in front of the bathroom door. They come out with the test behind their back.

"So what is it?" They hand us both the tests face over and I look at Tsukishima. "On the count of three?" He nods and count to three. We both flip them over and I see a positive sign on Hinata's and then look over to Tsukishima to see the same on Yamaguchi's test. We both sigh and sit down on the bed. "Well at least we might have the baby on the same day." I look up and Hinata with just a sad expression.

We hear a knock at the door. I go and open the door and I see Daichi-San. "Oh hey guys just wanted to let you know it's time to load up on the bus." Yamaguchi and Tsukishima leaves and we pack our stuff to get on the bus. When we got on the bus we start making plans on what we are gonna do when the pups come. "Do you guys think we should all live together?" We all look at Hinata and think that it's a great idea, but the thing we were most worried about was telling our parents.


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