Training Camp

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I was woken up from my alarm clock. It was Monday and Kageyama went home yesterday because we had school today. I told him next weekend that he can spend my heat with me and become my mate. I am super excited, but nervous at the same time. I get up and brush my teeth, wash my face, and put on my clothes. I then head downstairs to see my mom cooking breakfast. "Good morning, Hinata." "Good morning, mom."

I give her a kiss on the cheek and sit down waiting for breakfast. I haven't told my mom that I will be spending my heat with Kageyama, so I think now is a good time to tell her. "Hey mom." She puts down her spatula and looks at me. "Yes sweetie." I fiddle my fingers around because I was nervous. My mom is super supportive, but at the same time scary so I don't know what she'll think. "Um next weekend, I'm spending my heat with Kageyama at his house and I want him to become my mate if that's ok."

She looks at me and smiles then gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Of course that's ok just use protection." "Mommmm." I blushed when she made that comment. "What I don't want you to have a pup this early, but if you do I'll be here to support you all the way." I give her a big hug and thank her. Then we smell something burning.

"Um mom, you might wanna check on the food. She turns around to a black smoke. "Oh no." Then the fire alarm goes off causing Natsu to wake up. "I'll get her you just take care of that." I run up to Natsu room and grab her from her crib. "Hi Natsu." She puts her head in the crook of my neck trying to hide from the sound. "It's just the fire alarm, but don't worry your big bro is here to protect you." She smiles and gives me a big hug. Soon I hear a knock at the door.

I run downstairs, look through the peephole, and open the the door. "Hey Kageyama." "Hey is everything ok and why is the fire alarm going off?" "Oh my mom just burned the food that's all." He chuckles which makes me laugh. "Big bro, who this?" I look at her and smile. "Natsu this is my boyfriend, Kageyama." She quickly wriggles to get to him. I give her to him and she immediately starts giggling.

"Hey Hinata. Can you maybe drop Natsu off at daycare if it not to much to ask?" "No it's not, also it's on the way to my school, so I won't be late." She gives me a smile and I take Natsu back to go put on her clothes. "Arms up." She lifts her arms up and I put her shirt on. "Ok now let's go put on your shoes." We head downstairs by the door and slip on her shoes. "Ok mom we're off. We'll stop by Ukai's store and grab something." "Ok, have a good day."

We start walking towards Coach Ukai's store to go grab some meat buns. Natsu is talking about how she and her friend played with toys last weekend. We finally make it to Coach Ukai's store. "Hey guys. What can I get you?" I looked down at Natsu then back at Coach Ukai. "Three meat buns please." He nods and goes over to the meat buns and puts them in napkins for us. "Natsu, you want something to drink?" She nods and grabs Kageyama hand heading over to the freezer. I giggle at both of them.

"Hinata, you mind if I ask you a question?" I nod and smile at him while taking the meat buns out his hand. "Are you and Kageyama dating?" I blushed at the comment. Did he already figure it out if he did I might as well tell him. "Y-Yes." He smiles and nods. "That's great, just don't let affect your practice." "Yes sir." I see Natsu and Kageyama come back. She gives me the juice and then I pay for it and we leave. "What was Coach Ukai asking you?" I turned red when he asked me that.

"Oh he was asking were we dating and I told him yea. All he said was to not let it affect our practice." He nods and we continue walking to Natsu's daycare. We finally reach the daycare and say out goodbyes to Natsu and head to school

~Later They Arrive~


We finally arrive to school. We get in the gym and head to the training room to find Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. "Morning guys." Yamaguchi says. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima like each other, but they don't have the guts to tell each other. "Looks like the king and queen have finally arrived." Tsukishima is always a jerk, but Yamaguchi knows he has a soft side. "Do not come at us when you don't have the balls to tell Yamaguchi how you feel."

I see him turning red after that comment. "Seems like that shut you up." I see Hinata over there laughing hard which has me chuckling. We head out the changing room behind Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. "Ok everyone, we have an announcement after practice, but for now let's practice.

~After Practice~

"Ok gather round everyone." We gather around in a circle for the announcement Daich-San has to tell us. "Ok so this weekend we are going to Tokyo to a training camp with Nekoma and other teams." I see Hinata lean over to me. "Kageyama my heat will start this weekend." I was nervous what if his scent attracts other Alphas. "Since it stormed last Friday the place where we usually sleep at the training camp is flooded, so we will have to get a hotel and you must choose who you want to stay with you."

I lean over and whisper to Hinata. "We can still mate." He looks at me confused at first, but then realizes. "Ok that's it, just make sure you be here Friday morning at 5. We won't have games until Saturday and we will leave Sunday."

~During Class~


"Ughh I'm so bored." It was the last period and me and Kageyama just finished our work, but we still had to wait another hour before leaving class. "Wanna play a game on my phone." I look at Kageyama and nod my head. He gives me his phone and we both start playing the game.

~After School~

"We need to tell our parents about the trip. Also did you tell your mom about my heat." He looks at me and just stays silent. "I guess that's a no." He nods slightly. "I'll tell her once I get home. I know that she will be super supportive of me and probably give me a bunch of condoms to take." I giggled at the last thing he said. We finally make it home and Kageyama gives me a kiss and heads home. I unlock the door to my house and was greeted by my sister.

"Hey big bro. Where's Kageyama?" I looked at her and smiled. She really has took a liking to Kageyama. "He went home, but I'm sure that he will be back tomorrow." She smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes back to playing with her toys. I head up to my room and take a shower and hop on my game to see if any of my friends are online. I see Kenma is playing so I grab my headset and hop on the same game he is playing.

"Hey Kenma." We were playing a racing game which Kenma likes very much. "Hey Sho I heard your coming here this weekend for training camp." Wow he already knows, well it isn't surprising since his coach planned it. "Yea the whole team is coming." We continued playing the game and after a while Kenma got off and went to sleep. I wonder has Kageyama told his mom yet.


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