Gender Reveal

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~2 months later~

It's been two months and me, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima are getting ready for our gender reveal. We all moved in the house a month ago and have gotten use to the environment around us."What do you want it to be?" I asked Yamaguchi while he was putting on his dress. "I want a boy because I can not do hair." I laugh at him. "How about you Hinata, what do you want?" I slip on my dress.

"I want a little girl and if we both end of with girls I'll do your little girl hair." We put on our makeup, and curl our hair since both of our hair has gotten longer. After we finish we head to the room Kageyama and Tsukishima are getting ready in. "Hey you guys ready." I ask them giving Kageyama a quick peck on the lips. "Yea I guess we can head out now." I take Kageyama's hand and we head out to the backyard where everyone is at.

We see the whole team there and Tanaka and Noya fooling around in the pool. We danced, talked, and ate food until it was time for us to do the reveal. "Ok everyone gather round." My cousin had me and Yamaguchi results. We also decided to do a balloon pop. "Ok everyone count down from ten and Kageyama and Tsukishima will pop the balloons." Me and Kageyama held the balloon while he had the pin in his hand.

"TEN. NINE. EIGHT. SEVEN. SIX. FIVE. FOUR. THREE. TWO. ONE." We popped our balloons and pink confetti came out of ours while blue confetti came out of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi balloons. I cried tears of joy. I always wanted a baby girl. Kageyama standing there chuckling because he wanted a boy. I went over and gave him a passionate kiss. He told me he didn't care what gender he just wanted the baby to be happy and healthy, but I knew he wanted a boy.

~Hours later~


It was about 7 o clock at night. Hinata and Yamaguchi was in the living room doing some yoga while me and Tsukishima was in the game room shooting pool. "What are we eating tonight?" I shoot my ball in the pocket. "I don't think nobody feel like cooking, so I guess we should just order takeout." I was thinking about what we should order when I missed my pocket. "I think we should order some Olive Garden." When I said that he potted the 8 ball. "Yea that's alright."

We walk back in the living room to see Yamaguchi and Sho dancing. "Um what are you guys doing?" I furrow my brow and look at the phone to see them filming a video. "It's called Tiktok. It's a app you make videos off of and post them." I look at the video and it looked kinda funny, so I chuckled. "We we're thinking about ordering Olive Garden, Is that ok with y'all?" They both nod and go back to their dancing. I ordered everyone's food and went back to the living room.

~Few minutes later~

I heard the doorbell ring so I got up and saw it was door dash. I opened the door, payed for the food, and went back in the house. "Where are Yamaguchi and Hinata." Tsukishima pointed to the pool. "They said that their doing some swimming exercises." I sigh and go to the pool. "Hey Tobio." "The food is here and why are you guys in the pool at 8 o clock at night?"

He looks at me and giggles which leaves me confused. "Um what so funny?" He jumps up, grabs my arm, and pulls me in the pool. I come back up the water to see him laughing at me. "Sho I just bought this jumpsuit." He jumps on me and gives me a kiss and I didn't hesitate to kiss back. I get out the pool and run to Tsukishima. "Hey four eyes they want you at the pool." He gets up and walks towards the pool.

"Kageyama said y'all wanted-." I sneak up behind him and push him the pool. Everyone starts laughing . He comes back and pulls me in to. "Oh I'm sorry your majesty I thought your leg was a towel." I look at him and just chuckle.

~Few Minutes Later~


We got out the pool about 30 minutes later and took a showers. After we took a shower we all ate and sat down to watch a movie. I was mostly staring at Kageyama's desert he ordered." It looked so good. "Why are you staring at my cake like that." I pout at him. "Can I have some please?" He chuckles and gives me a piece which makes me smile. After we ate we all went up to our rooms. Kageyama started kissing my stomach and I can't lie it tickles. "Hi Ashikaga, how daddy's little girl doing?"

Ashikaga is the name we thought of it means first blessing. We haven't told anyone about her name yet. We want to keep it a secret until she is born. I decided to take a video of how cute Kageyama was being. "Your gonna be a setter like daddy. It's the best position on the team." "I hear you ya know." I laugh at his little cuteness.

I hear him yawn and I yawn right behind him. I stop the video and send it to the volleyball group chat. He turns over to get his phone because he got a notification for the group chat to. "Shoooo." I laugh and give him a kiss on the forehead telling him goodnight. We cuddle up to each other and drift off the sleep. As soon as we were falling asleep I felt a small pain on my stomach.

"Woah." Kageyama quickly bolted up and looked at me with a worried expression. I took his hand and put it on my stomach and he felt the pup move around. She then stopped moving around. "When she stops moving that means she likes you." He smiles and kisses my stomach. "I told you she was daddy's girl." I laugh then we fall asleep.


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