Baby On The Way

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~7 months later~

It's been 9 months and Hinata belly is so much bigger. He was in the little nursery room getting the hospital bag ready for when we get ready to go. I went to go check and see how he was doing. "Hey baby how ya doing?" I went over to him and gave him a kiss. "Well this is the last piece of clothing and then I'm done." He puts the clothing in the bag and grabs his stomach quickly. "Hey you ok?" I grab his hand to make sure he's ok. "Y-Yea it was just a slight pain."

I helped him up from the rocking chair and his hand goes back up to my stomach. "Are you sure your ok." "Yea, the baby isn't due until another week so it's all fine." When he walks around his hand flies back up to his stomach. "Sho I think your going into labor."
He looks at me with a sad expression. "I think I am, but the contractions are only 9 minutes apart. If we go right now they will just send me back home, so we have to wait until they are 5 minutes apart."

I sigh and nod then help him to the bed. "Ow ow ow." I rub his back to calm him down. "Just breath Sho." I can't imagine the pain he's in. Tears come streaming down my face because there is nothing I can do. "Kageyama what's wrong?" I quickly wipe my tears away. "Your in pain and there is nothing I can do about it." He gives me a long passionate kiss.

"You being here is more than enough. I love you ok and don't you ever forget that." I smile and give him a peck on the lips. "Ow ow ow. This one is longer than the other ones." I rub his back for him to make him feel a little better. "Ok it's finally gone."

~Three minutes pass~

"Owww. I think we better go to the hospital." I go run and grab the hospital bag then head downstairs to see Sho already at the door. "Ok ready to go?" He looks me up and down then laughs. "Um don't you need shoes and a shirt to go. "I look down at my body then run upstairs to grab my shoes and a shirt. I come back down, help Sho in the car, and put the hospital bag and car seat in the car. I drive off to the hospital.

It took about 30 to 40 min to get here. We waited in the lobby for a room and once they called us we headed in. "Ok, I need you to change in this gown for me." The nurse gave him the gown and I went in the bathroom with him to help him in it. When we came back Hinata laid in the bed and was hooked up to some machines. "Ok I'm gonna check and see how far you dilated." She look between Hinata legs to see how far he is.

"Ok you dilated down to three, but when you get to seven you have to walk around a bit and we will also bring a exercise ball for you." "Ok thank you." The nurse leaves the room and I can see Hinata have another contraction. I go over beside his bed. "Do you want to sit up?" He nods and I press the button for the bed to sit up. I sit down on the bed next to him. "Does that feel any better?" "A little." He holds on to my neck and I can see he's having another contraction. "This one hurts really bad and it won't stop." I can hear him crying and I feel so bad.

"Ok it's finally gone." He still holding on to my neck and I put my arms around his belly and give him kisses on the cheek. I kiss his stomach giving it little pecks. I hear his little chuckle and I just smile at him. I hear my phone ring so I get off the bed and get it. "Hey Tsukishima." "Where are you guys?" I sigh. "We're at the hospital Hinata is in labor." "Well that's where we're heading to.

"Yamaguchi is experiencing painful contractions maybe the pups will be born on the same day." I chuckle at the comment. "Yea maybe." I hang up the phone and head back over to Hinata. "Yamaguchi and Tsukishima are on there way over here because Yamaguchi is having painful contractions to." "That's so exciting. Not the contractions, but that he's in labor maybe the pups will be born on the same day." I smile and give him a kiss.

~Three hours later~


It's been three hours and the nurse came in a few minutes ago and said I dilated up to 5. "Ughhh I'm so hungry." They told me that I couldn't eat or drink anything until the baby was born. "Sorry Sho, but nothing to eat or drink until the baby is born." I held on to Kageyama's neck because I was having another painful contraction this one was the worst of all. "Kage *hic* yama *hic* this one *hic* hurts *hic* so bad *hic*." I was crying my eyes out. Kageyama was rubbing my back to help the pain go away a little.

I give a sigh of relief when it went away. "Is it gone?" I look up at him and nod. He gives me a passionate kiss on the lips which makes me feel better. I wonder how Yamaguchi is doing. I know he's having a hard time with these contractions.


I was beside Yamaguchi's bed wiping sweat off his head. He was having a hard time with these contractions. "You need to lie back down." He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "If I lay down they will just hurt worse. Can I just stay sitting up for a while?" I look at him and nod then give him a peck on the cheek. "Hinata's probably not doing any better when it comes to him and his stomach his stomach always wins."

I hear Yamaguchi laugh and I give a little chuckle myself. I'm glad to hear his laugh again. I rub his stomach and smile. "You'll be in this world soon Minamoto." Minamoto is the name of our little boy. It means First born son. Yamaguchi came up with the name and I really liked it. We heard a soft knock on the door and saw the nurse come in. "Ok Yamaguchi I'm gonna need you to lay back for me to check how far you dilated." The first time she checked he was dilated at 3. I wonder how far he is now?

She checks to see how far. "Ok you are now dilated at 5." The nurse was about to leave, but I wanted to ask her a question. "Excuse me do you know what room Hinata Shoyo is in." "Um yes he's-." We hear a slight knock on the door and then Kageyama comes in. "Hey guys." He waved them closed the door. I told the nurse never mind then she left. "How's Hinata?" "He's doing ok. He fell asleep so I went to the vending machine then heard your voice so I came in."

I nod them look at Yamaguchi who is having another contraction. "How you doing Yamaguchi?" "I'm alright. The nurse said I'm dilated at 5 right now." He nods then walks over. "Hinata is at the same, but he might've went up. Kageyama gets a call on his phone. "Sho, what's wrong?" "I was just wondering where you were." "I'm in Yamaguchi's room, but I'm heading back." He hangs up the phone and puts it back in his pocket. "Sho needs me I gotta go." He walks out the room.


I hear the door open then I see Kageyama come back in the room. "Hey how you feeling?" I sigh and gesture for him to come over. He sits down on the bed beside me and I hug him around the neck. "That bad huh?" I nod and he gives me a kiss on the cheek. "How is Yamaguchi doing?" "He's ok it's just the contractions. I nod and give him a peck on the lips. "I'm ready for Ashikaga to come in the world." He smiles at me and leans his head on mine. "Yea me to."


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