Let's Mate

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(A/N: This is a ⚠️smut chapter⚠️. I never wrote smut before so it might be bad, but yea let's get started.)


It was one day before the trip to Tokyo and I still haven't told my mom that I was gonna mate with Sho. I was in my room packing my things making sure I had everything that I need. I decided that I was gonna tell her at dinner time, but my dad will also be there and he is the kind of parent who doesn't support you in everything. When I was little he expected me to play football or basketball, but no. I chose volleyball.

He got mad and really doesn't talk to me that much, so I don't know how I'm gonna tell him I'm gonna mate with a boy. "Kageyama, time for dinner." I heard my name getting called, so I decided that I'll just talk to my mom alone after dinner. I head downstairs and see my dad watching the news on the couch. I head over to my mom who is at the dining table setting up. I walk over to her. "Hey mom. Need help?" She looks at me and gives me a smile. "Yes please." I took the plates, forks, and spoons from her hand and set everything up on the table.

"Hey mom, is it alright if I talk to you after dinner. She looks at me with a worried expression, but it turns into a smile. "Yea that's fine sweetie. After I finish setting the table we all sit down and eat and have light conversation about school, volleyball, and my training camp. Once me and my mom was alone washing the dishes I decided to tell her. "Mom, I'm gonna mate with Sho at the training camp." I thought me and mom was alone, but I was unaware of my dad listening around the corner.

"Your gonna do what with that faggot?" My blood was hot and boiling. He just called my boyfriend a faggot and I was not gonna let him just sit there and say that. "DON'T YOU DARE CALL MY BOYFRIEND A FAGGOT!" He looks at me releasing a lot of sour pheromones. "Who do you think your talking to." I was scared, but happy at the same time that I stood up to my father after all these years. He starts walking towards me really fast and then he slaps me hard that I land on the floor. "Don't you ever think of speaking back to me."

I got up off the floor and punched him as hard as I can. I growled at him while my mom is trying to pull me back. "Stop Tobio!" I look at my mom who had tears in her eyes. "I'm gonna go stay at Sho's house tonight." I grab my things from my room, give my mom a kiss on the cheek, and leave. I run to Sho house and when I get there I knock on the door. It was answered by him and I didn't hesitate to kiss him passionately attacking his mouth and entering my tongue inside his mouth.


I was sitting at my house alone on the couch watching a movie. My mom and Natsu went to a friend's house so Natsu could have a play date. All of sudden I was knocked out of thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and open the door to see Kageyama. He immediately attacked my lips and slipping his tongue in my mouth. He lift me up off the floor with my legs wrapped around his waist. He grabbed my ass which made me moan.

I pushed the door close and he walked up to my room and threw me on the bed. We parted for air which gave me a chance talk. "Kageyama what has gotten in to-ngh." I was interrupted when he started biting and sucking my nipples. I knew I was gonna go into heat if I kept going, but I didn't care.


I licked Hinata all the way down until I got to his pants. I could feel myself going into rut and I could smell the scent of his heat. I unbuttoned Hinata's pants and and pull his underwear down. "Your already hard." I smirked and he just covered his face because of how hard he was blushing. I lick the top of his of his member to tease him. I know how much he hates being teased. "K-Kageyama please s-stop." I quickly bop my head up and down his member.

I then stick one finger in his hole thrusting in and out of him. "T-Tobio." I love the way he says my name like that. "I stick another finger inside him cause him to arch his back. I push his hips back down. I remove my fingers and get up and remove my shirt, pants, and boxers. I go over to my bag and grab a condom and slip it over my member. I slowly insert my member inside his hole. "Ngh! You can move a little. I thrust in and out of him slowly. "F-Faster." I lean down to his ear still thrusting inside him.

"Beg for it." He looks at me and blushes hard. "Please Tobio." I gave him a smirk and a quick peck on the lips. I thrust inside him faster and harder. "H-Harder." He really wants me to. So I go harder and faster. "Shit your tight." I keep going. "I'm about to cum." 'M-Me to." "Bite me." I leaned down and bite Hinata's scent gland, so now he was my mate. After a few more thrusts Hinata came all over his chest and I came inside the condom or so I thought. I pulled out and saw that the condom was broken.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself, but loud enough for Hinata to hear. "Is something wrong?" I look at him with a worried expression and he sits up quickly. "The condom broke." He looks at me with tears in his eyes and I hug him. "This is bad. What if I end up pregnant. I can't take care of no pup now I'm to young." I cup his cheek to make him look at me. "If you do, I'll be right here by your side and your gonna be a great mother." I kissed him passionately and we lay down under the covers and cuddle.


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