Having a Pup?

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The next morning me and Kageyama woke up at 4 to get ready to go in the trip to Tokyo. I was hesitant about going now since me and Kageyama mated. What if the signs show while we're on the trip? The only person on the team that we really told about our relationship is Coach Ukai. So I don't know how they will react to me being pregnant. "Hey, you ready?" He kinda scared me a bit, but I got up and walked beside him. "Y-Yea." I was about to walk out, but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Sho what's wrong?" I look up at him with tears in my eyes. "W-What *hic* if the signs *hic* shows up while *hic* we're *hic* in Tokyo. I was crying uncontrollably at this point. I wanted pups, but not this early. I'm scared when I do take a test it will end of positive. I was calmed down by a warm embrace and kisses on my forehead. "I already told you if it's positive I'm here and will always be. Your also gonna be a great mother." I hug him tight not wanting to let go. He whispers sweet things in my ear and we head off to the school.

~At School~

"Good morning Hinata and Kageyama." Daichi and Suga were both here this morning me and Kageyama were almost late. "Good morning Daichi-San" after a few more minutes of waiting for everyone else we got on the bus and headed to Tokyo. The bus ride would take about 4 hours. I look over to Hinata scrolling through his phone. "What are you doing?" "I'm scrolling through for early signs of pregnancy. It says that the symptoms can occur a day or two after you have sex if this was your first time."

I look at him with a worried expression. If he is pregnant I don't want him stressing over this to much. "Look just don't stress to much. We'll get a test after training today." He nods and sits his phone down and drifts off the sleep. I lean my head on his and we both are fast asleep.

~3 hours later~

I wake up to a lot of chatting and muttering. I look out to see that we made it to Tokyo and Hinata's head laying on my lap. I quietly tap him awake and he opens his eyes. "Hmmm where are we ?" I look down at him and smile. "We're in Tokyo." It was about a few minutes later we arrived at the gym. "Ok everyone go get changed into your clothes so we can start our training." We all headed to the changing room and changed our clothes and headed back. "I gotta pee." I look at him and sigh. "That's like the third time already." He chuckles and leaves. After he comes back from the bathroom we start running with the rest of the team.

~After Training~

"Ok now let's head to the hotel to get checked in." I see everyone grab their stuff and they head to get on the bus. It was a 20 minute drive to the hotel. Once we got there we checked in and went into our rooms. Sho ran to the bathroom and immediately started throwing up. "Sho you ok?" He doesn't answer all he does is throw his guts up. Once he stops I put a cold towel over his head. "I think we need to go get a test." I nod and tell him to stay here at the hotel while I go get the test.

I ran to the store to buy the test. It took a while because the line at the store was so long, but I got the test and left. I made it back to the room to find Sho over the toilet again throwing up. "I bought tests." I sat the tests down and left the bathroom."


After I finish throwing up I grab one of the test out the bags and pee on it. I put the lid on the test and flip it over not wanting to know what the results were. I was super scared of being pregnant. I didn't know how to take care of a kid. I set my timer on my phone for three minutes and wait for it to go off. The timer finally goes off and I slowly flip the test over to find a plus sign. I immediately burst into tears.

I hear light knocking on the bathroom door. "Hey Sho what does it say?" I open the door with the test in my hand about to show it to Kageyama. "Can I see?" I hesitantly give him the test and he looks at it. "I-It's positive." I burst into tears not knowing what else to do. I feel a pair of arms go around me hugging me tight. "I-It's gonna be ok." His voice was shaky. I look up and he has tears in his eyes. I hug him tightly.

We hear a knock at the door, so we quickly hide everything, dry our eyes, and open the door. It was Daichi-San. "Hey guys dinner will be done in a few minutes." "Ok we'll be down in a minute." I smile at him and close the door. "Maybe you should take another test when we leave Tokyo. It could be a false reading." I look at him and smile. "Yea your right." We change our clothes and head downstairs for dinner. We were going over plans on how to defeat the other teams tomorrow.

~After Dinner~

"I'm full." I say while flopping on the bed. "Yea we need to get sleep." Me and Kageyama snuggle up to each other and fall asleep.

~Hours Later~

I wake up having to go pee really mad. This is my fourth time peeing and I thrown up a couple of times. I went to the bathroom and see the test still sitting on the counter. I wonder if I really am pregnant? I'll just have to take a test next week. I flush the toilet and go back to lay down with Kageyama.

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