Welcome to the World

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~Five hours later~

It's been five hours and the nurse said I dilated up to 7, so me and Kageyama are now walking around the room. We have to stop every 2 minutes because of the contractions. They have gotten worse since I dilated up to 7. We soon here a splash hit the ground and I realize that my water broke. "Um my water broke." Kageyama is now freaking out I try to calm him down.

"Kageyama calm down just call the nurse." He nods his head and helps me back in the bed then calls the nurse. The nurse comes in the room to see how far I dilated. "Ok so now your up to 8 we're gonna bring the stuff in for you to have your baby just keep walking and using the exercise ball. I walked around for a bit more and once I felt a really painful contraction we had to stop.

I soon see three nurses come in getting me ready to have the baby. They sit my legs up in an uncomfortable position that makes my back hurt. "Ok the doctor will be in later to deliver your baby. We will be back with your baby crib to put her in." I nod then all three nurses leave. "Are you ready for our baby girl to enter this world." I nod then Kageyama gives me a quick peck on the lips.

I soon felt the urge that I needed to push, but I knew I couldn't. "Hey everything ok?" I just start crying because this is a painful situation for me. "I feel like I need to push, but I know I can't." I soon saw a nurse come in the room setting up my baby's crib to put her in. "Excuse me. Where is the doctor? I-I really need to push." "I know your in pain right now, but I can't let you push without a doctor. She will be here any minute now." I nod and turn back to Kageyama who also has tears in his eyes.

~25 minutes later~

It has been 25 minutes and still no doctor. The urge to push is getting worse. I almost did it one time, but I stopped myself. I soon here the door open and I see it was the doctor. "I'm so sorry there was another patient having problems with her baby and that's why I got held up." I feel Kageyama's hand go on mine. "Are you his boyfriend?" He nods. "Would you like to deliver your daughter?" He looks nervous at first, but then it forms into a smile. He slips on a gown, hat, and some gloves then gets in front of me.

"Ok when the next contraction comes I want you to hold your breath and push while I count to ten." We wait for the next contraction and when it comes I push. "Eight. Nine. Ten." I stopped pushing and wait for the next contraction.

~30 minutes later~

I was on my seventh push and they said the head was out. I was still pushing, but stopped a few times because I could feel myself tearing. "Ok here comes the next contraction. Ready and push." I pushed hard because I wanted this to be over. I felt a nurse put a towel over my shoulders. "Ok the shoulders are out. One more big push and she's out." The next contraction comes and I give this last push my all. I hear crying. "Sho open your eyes." I open my eyes to see Kageyama holding out little Angel. He sits the baby on my chest and they use towels to dry her off. I cry tears of joy when I see my little Angel crying on my chest. "She's here. She's finally here."

~5 minutes later~

The nurses took Ashikaga to give her a bath. Kageyama went to the cafeteria to grab me something to eat and drink since they cleared me to eat and drink. I see him come in with a tray of food. "I was gonna stop by Yamaguchi's room, but they said that he's getting ready to have birth so I couldn't go in there." I was excited for Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

I hope his birth goes well because mines was like hell. I saw one of the nurses come back in with Ashikaga. "Ok are you ready to hold your baby." I nod my head and she carefully places her in my arms. "She's so tiny. How much did she weigh?" "She was 5 pounds and 18 inches." The nurse sat her onesie, socks, and hat on the bed for me to dress her. "Is there anything else you need?" I nod my head no then she leaves.

I gently sit her on my bed and put her clothes on. She starts crying which makes me pout my lips. "Aww why are you crying? I'm just tryna get you dressed." After I finish I gently pick her up and put her back in my arms. "Do you want me to hold her while you eat?" I nod then he goes over to the sink and washes his hand then comes back and gently picks her up. I just remembered this is the first time he has held her. While he wasn't looking I got a picture of them and set it as my Lock Screen. They are so cute.


Yamaguchi has pushed about 8 times. The baby head just came out. I'm in front helping deliver the baby. "Eight. Nine. Ten. Ok Yamaguchi the shoulders are out give me one more big push." A nurse sits a towel on his chest for the baby. Soon Yamaguchi is pushing then the baby slips out. All I could hear is the baby crying. The doctor hands me the baby then I sit the baby on Yamaguchi's chest. "You did it Yams." I gave his forehead a quick kiss then looked at our baby.

~5 minutes later~

I was heading to the cafeteria to get me and Yams something to eat. I think they moved Hinata and Kageyama to their own room since he had the baby. I come back in the room to see Yams with baby Minamoto. "I just put his clothes on. The nurse said he weighed 5 pounds and 17 inches." I walk over to them and look at the baby. "Do you want to hold him while I eat?" I nod then head over to the sink to wash my hands. I come back and gently pick him up. "Hi Minamoto."

He's making little baby noises which is the cutest. "Has he eaten yet?" He shakes his head no. "The nurses haven't cleared me to feed him, so I can't right now." I nod my head then go back to looking at Minamoto. I wonder have they cleared Hinata yet?


The nurses put us in another room and Ashikaga was fussing because she was hungry. "Here let me have her she might be hungry and can you also give me that blanket." I pass him the blanket first then gently put her down in his arms. He opens his shirt to let her attach and he feeds her. I go back to sit down because I was tired. I mean we both are we haven't slept in almost 24 hours. After she finishes he pats her back for her to burp. "I'll put her to sleep so you can lay down and go to sleep. You look tired."

I get up and get Ashikaga out of his arms and as soon as I did he turned over and went to sleep. Ashikaga starts fussing a little, but I calm her down before she could wake Hinata. "Don't worry daddy got you." I grab her pacifier because she was about to get fussy again. I sit down on the couch where I sleep and rocking her back and fourth until she fell asleep.


~5 hours later~

It was about 3 in the morning and I was up with Minamoto since he had woke up. I told Yams to get the rest he needs. He deserves it. I quickly grab Minamoto pacifier and give it to him because he was about to get fussy again. I see Yams sit up and look at me. "How many times has he woken up?" "This is his third time now." Yams puts his hand out for me to give him the baby. I walk over towards the bed and gently places him in his arms.

He lifts up his shirt and puts his head closer for him to attach. "You could've woken me up you know." I look at him and give him a kiss while smiling into it. "I know, but you were sleeping and you needed your rest so I didn't want to wake you." He chuckles then unattached Minamoto. "He's gonna get fussy since you didn't let him finish." Right when I said it he decided to cry. "Look I know you want more, but that's enough for now. You almost choked." He pats him on the back for him to burp and Minamoto gives out a silent burp. Yams attaches him again and let's him finish. This is gonna be a long night.


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