Chapter 1: Meeting Scarlett

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Riley's POV:
Today I woke up thinking today would be a better day as I didn't get awoke by screaming or shouting but that thought was soon crushed as I heard my name getting shouted from downstairs "Riley where is my beer" Mr James shouted, i quickly made my way downstairs big mistake as soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs Mr James started storming over to me and grabbed my arm "where is my beer you little brat!?" he shouted, squeezing my arm tighter "I don't know" is all i could get out before he started punching and kicking me. Finally after about 15 minutes of him hitting and kicking me he stood me up and said "Go to the shop and get me more beer!" I didn't even answer back, I just left trying my hardest not to cry.

When I finally got to the shop and got the beer section it then clicked No one is going to sell a 7 year old alcohol and that's when i started crying uncontrollably, Then i heard footsteps coming towards me I got scared and curled into a ball thinking it was Mr James until I heard a females voice "are you ok?" is all the woman said but I was too scared to reply so I just continued crying.

Scarletts POV:
I was walking to the back of the shop where the alcohol was to get a bottle of wine for dinner tonight as I have Lizzie coming over for a girls night when I see a small child she looked about 5 or 6 as she was tiny , I thought she had lost her parents or something as she was just sitting there crying but as i go closer I then realize she was covered in bruises and had a cut on her head "are you ok?" I asked but she didn't reply. She just curled into a ball, my heart dropped to my stomach when she did that. I don't know what came over me but I bent down to her height and tried again "Hello my name is Scarlett, what's yours?" She looked up at me with puffy eyes and whispered "I'm Riley" . I could tell she was scared so I tried to make small talk. " How old are you Riley?" I asked "Im 7" she whispered, i just looked at her in shock " your 7?" is all i could say and she just nodded "Riley where are your parents?" i asked "I don't have any, I live with Mr james" she said a bit louder "well where is Mr James now?" I questioned "at home" she said, all i could think was why is a 7 year old here alone "Do you know your address so i can take you home?" As soon as I asked, she started crying "I don't want to go back Mr James is mean, please don't make me go back" she practically begged me "Riley did Mr James do this to you?" I asked whilst pointing to the bruises on her arms and the cut on her head, she just nodded. I was shocked. Who could do this to a child?

Riley's POV:
Scarlett seems really nice but when she said she wanted to take me home i got scared a begged her not to take me back, then she asked if Mr James is the only that gave me the bruises and all I could do was nod, I heard her sigh "do you want to come home with me and we can figure out what to do?" she asked with hopefulness so i nodded and tried to stand up but when i did i fell back down, scarlett looked at me worried because i just fell so i tried to stand up again but no luck i just fell back down and hit my back on a shelf so Scarlett picked me up but when she did i whimpered "what's wrong?" Scarlett asked, obviously concerned, "My back hurts" I whispered "well we'll have a look when we get back to my house, sound good?" she asked and i just nodded and hid my face in her neck.

Scarletts POV:
When we got to the car I tried to get Riley off me but she wouldn't let go " Riley come on you need to get go" I said camly "No I want to stay with you" she whispered "Ok Ok how about you sit on my lap whilst I drive?" I suggested and she nodded. By the time we got home I noticed Riley was asleep, I didn't want to wake her so I carried her inside and then upstairs to my room to let her sleep a little longer. About half an hour later there was a knock at the door and it was loud "who the hell is that?" i said to myself as i went to answer the door, It was Lizzie i completely forgot she was coming over "Hello? Earth to scarlett'' Lizzie jokes "sorry i was in a world of my own'' she laughed "I gathered that as if you weren't on earth..." I stopped Lizze as i heard crying and the it hit me "Shit Riley'' i said as i ran up to my room leaving lizzie confused "Whos Riley'' she shouted after me "I'll explain later" i said whilst running, i open my bedroom door and see Riley crying so i run over to her and hug her "Hey hey its ok im here" i said trying to catch my breath "I thought you left me" Riley said after calming down a little "No i would never leave you" i reassured her, about 10 minutes later Riley was calm so i asked her "you wanna go downstairs?" Riley just nodded, as we got downstairs I saw Lizzie even more confused than before.

Lizzie's POV:
When I saw Scarlett walking down the stairs with a child that couldn't be any older than 4 or maybe 5 i was shocked and confused "Scarlett did you kidnap a child?" is all i could get out, scarlett laughed at my comment "no Lizzie i did not kidnap a child i'll explain everything later, Ok?" she said and I nodded. It had been about 45 minutes and i was helping scarlett make food as Riley was watching Beauty and the Beast "right so what's the deal with Riley?" i questioned scarlett "well i was at the shop getting stuff for tonight when i saw her sitting on the floor in the alcohol section crying, so i asked what's wrong and she got scared and curled into a ball" she said taking a pause to drink her coffee "ok but that doesn't explain why she's here" i added "well when i told her my name she told me her name and i asked her where her mum and dad was and she said she didn't have any and she lived with someone called Mr James and when i asked her if i could take her home she started crying and begging me not to take her back, so i asked her if he gave her the bruises that was on her arms and the cut on her head and she nodded so i took her back here to figure out what i should do'' she added "so what are you going to do with her?" i asked "let's eat then i'll figure out what to do" she said obviously wanting to end the conversation, so i'm gonna drop it till after dinner.

1267 words

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson and Lizzie olsenWhere stories live. Discover now