Chapter 5: An unexpected return

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TW: This chapter has homophobic detail in it, not a lot but a little as Hans torments Anna, please don't read this if you're sensitive to Homophobia. I am not homophobic myself but have experienced it in the past and being gay myself I know how Anna would be feeling.

Elsa's POV:

So Anna and I had been dating for a year now and we couldn't be happier together. Kristoff had moved back into the castle and was protective of both of us. We had told him about us and whilst he was confused at first, he accepted it and promised to keep it a secret. Anna seemed much happier now and it was amazing seeing her smile. She still didn't really talk as much as she used to anybody but me. I read her stories and she listens cuddled against me looking adorable. We worked on getting her to walk and she can with the help of her new crutches so she's become much more independent, which is amazing but she never leaves my side and I never want her too.

At the current moment I was sorting something out for the Duke of Corona and Anna was quietly reading on the sofa next to my desk. "Hey Snowflake, whatcha reading?" I say looking at her.
"It's called Cinder, it's like a twisted version of Cinderella, its really good!" Anna said with a giggle.
"A twisted version of Cinderella?" I chuckle. "Sounds amazing! Would you read me some baby, I'm bored!" 
Anna looks up at me with a beautiful, sapphire eyes and rolls them with a chuckle. "You shouldn't be bored Elsa, you're the Queen! But of course I'll read some to you." 

I listened as she began reading her story out loud with a small smile and I continued my letter to the Duke. After about an hour, I noticed that Anna's reading had stopped and she was looking out of the window with a frown on her face. "Anna? What's wrong Snowflake?" I go over to her and place my hand on her cheek. 
"Its nothing Elsa, I promise. I just thought I saw something familiar." Anna said leaning against me. "I'm going to the bakery to get us something nice to eat, do you need anything?"
"Just some bread please baby." I say kissing her cheek. "Be careful, I don't want you hurt again."
Anna nodded and got up, grabbing her crutches and smiling. "I love you El." 
"Love you too Snowflake, more than you will ever know." I smile back before going back to my desk and continuing writing.

Anna's POV:
Something felt familiar, like a nightmare about to come true. I shudder at the thought of my past coming back to haunt me. Elsa knows I hadn't been sleeping well, she usually has to comfort me in the night because I wake up screaming after my thoughts wander to various scenarios of when I was locked up, not just as a child but last year. I sincerly hope that Hans and my other brothers got what they deserved, along with Father. 

I head to the bakery and choose something that Elsa and I could eat later before grabbing a loaf of bread, paying for it and heading out. The baker helps me put my stuff into my backpack to  make it easier to carry and then opens the door for me. Yes, everyone felt bad for me and usually looked after me if I wasn't with Elsa or Kristoff. At least I wasn't in a wheelchair anymore, that was the worst thing for me, Elsa had to push me everywhere. The doctor said that I wouldn't be able to walk again but Kristoff made me some splints for my legs and then between the two of them they helped me regain my walking ability.

As I was walking back to the castle a familiar figure stepped in front of me, blocking my path. I turned around but there were several others surrounding me. I was trapped with no escapes again. The figure walked towards me and smiled taking my chin in his.
"Hello again Anna. Lovely weather we're having aren't we? Me and the boys have moved to Arendelle, seeing as your sister got us kicked out of the Southern Isles." Hans spat. "How is Elsa by the way?"
"She's fine..." I sign looking up at Hans. "Why wouldn't she be fine?"
"Oh Princess, Princess, Princess, we know everything about your little secret. Don't we boys?" Hans said with a smirk looking at my older brothers. "And we are going to let everyone in this village know that their Queen is gay and so is their Princess. Imagine what would happen, you'd be laughed out of here quicker than you could say Hans." 

My eyes widen, how did he know I was gay? How did he know Elsa was gay? If he found out that quickly about us being gay, how long would it be until he found out that we were dating? Dating illegally at that. I look at him and then at my older brothers. "Please don't tell anyone, I'd do anything."
"Anything?" Hans said raising an eyebrow. 
I nod, tears running down my cheeks, I should never have come out without protection from Kristoff or Elsa. I was going to die, I knew it and for what, for being gay? I look down and take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Hans smiled and grabbed my wrist. He then took out a dagger and cut down my arm. I yelped in pain and bit my lip hard. Then I looked down at what he had written, there branded on my skin for everyone to see was the word fag. I looked at Hans and nodded.
"Say thank you Anna. I just made your life a lot easier." Hans smirked. "Now everyone will know that you're gay. You're welcome." 
I shake my head and then my world fades to black again, two arms surround me and I feel myself being lifted up off the ground. Please say I was going back home! All I wanted to do was be with Elsa, where I was safe and sound and protected.

Elsa's POV:
I was extremely worried about Anna. She was unconscious and her arm was bleeding. I had patched it up as soon as Kristoff has brought her back home, but she was still out for the count. Whoever did this to her is going to be in so much trouble. I lay down next to her and stroke her hair, noticing her beginning to wake up. "Hey Snowflake..."
"Elsa? You saved me!" Anna said weakly snuggling into me. She was shaking badly and looking down at her arm. "H-He cut me..." She whispered
"Who cut you baby?" I say kissing her head. "Shush you're ok, you're safe now Anna."
"H-Hans... they surrounded me all 13 of them and Hans said that he was going to tell everyone that we were gay and then he cut me." Anna cried hiding her head in my shoulder and sobbing.
"Hans did this?" I say angrily. "What is he doing here?" 
"He said that he was kicked out of the Southern Isles so him and his brothers moved here and they found me in the village." Anna whimpered and held her arm close to her chest.
"Shush hunny it's ok, you'll be ok. I won't let anyone touch you ever again." I say holding the small girl close. I made sure to lock all the doors and windows that night and stayed with Anna in case she had anymore nightmares and she did but this one was quite possibly the worst of all.

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