Anna's POV:
Elsa was worried about me. I knew why she was worried but I didn't want her to be worried. These nightmares keep getting worse and my colour still hasn't come back. All I want to do is see things in colour again! Is that too much to ask?
"Anna?" Elsa said as she finally stopped pacing the room.
"Yes Elsa?" I said softly.
"What the hell happened to you when you were living with them?" Elsa said looking at me.
"Um... Its a um. Its a long story." I said shaking my head. "And besides you wouldn't want to know."
"You don't know what I want Anna, I want to know and I want to know now." Elsa said sternly.
I take a deep breath and sit on the bed. "Oh god OK... Well...""It all started the day after Mothers funeral. I was still a baby and couldn't do much. Hans was about 3 at the time, so was able to cause trouble. He and the others locked me in my room and the older ones hit me..." Anna trailed off and shook her head. "I can't do this Elsa..."
"Yes you can Snowflake, I'm here for you." Elsa said sitting next to her on the bed.
Anna took a deep breath and continued. "Every night before bed when I was old enough, I would walk past my dads old room and I would hear him singing. I wouldn't sleep without a song or a story but I didn't know what to do because the man who pretended to be my father kept slapping me if I cried. One night I was still awake and I saw 13 shadows surrounding me, one of which held a knife. I couldn't cry, or scream or do anything. Thats where the scar on my leg came from. Then I moved here with you and got shut out again."I looked up at Elsa with a weak smile.
"Why were they so evil to you?" Elsa asked pulling me close.
"If I knew the answer to that question I would tell you..." I said cuddling into Elsa.
"There may be someone who knows." Elsa said with a small smile.
"My father?" I say softly.
"Yes your father... Come on he must have some answers." Elsa said taking my hand and gently pulling me off the bed.
I sigh and look down. "Can I at least have a shower first?"
"Of course hunny. I'll meet you at his room OK?" Elsa said kissing my cheek.Elsa's POV:
I waited until Anna was safely in the bathroom before turning and walking to John's room. I knocked on the door and waited for a response. But none came. That's weird I thought to myself. I noticed the door slightly ajar and pushed it open. I then froze at what I saw. Covering the entirety of the room were papers and papers of drawings and intricate plans. I walked over to one and read it. These were all plans to make John King... But what was even worse was that this wasn't a new thing, this had been going on for sometime.
"You know snooping isn't something a royal should be doing." A voice said from behind me. I slowly turned around to see John standing there with his arms folded. "Hello your Majesty."
"You've been lying to us." I say sternly.
"Actually Elsa, I haven't. You see all these plans to take over were from Hans and my family." John said taking them back.
"So why do you have them?" I say crossing my arms. "You said you were locked in your room all the time, how did you manage to escape and take these with you?"
John chuckled and smiled. "So very clever. But yet so stupid. You see your little sister is not what she seems. She's part of my family and my family is known for being evil."
"Anna would never go evil like you, she's the one that was cut and beaten because of your family. So when you were locked in your room, you'd locked yourself in there?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Also next question, why do you want the throne so badly?"
"Yes I did lock myself in my room and then come out after Anna was asleep. I would make sure she was safe and that the others weren't going to cause havoc and then I would stay with her during the night so that she would be safe." John said softly.
"So where were you the night I almost died?" Said a small voice from behind John.Anna's POV:
"What are you holding Dad?" I signed taking hold of the papers. My eyes widened as I read them. "You were trying to get the throne..."
"No I wasn't, your brothers were though. I was trying to protect you. That's why they've come here to kill Elsa and lock you away so that one of them can rule Arendelle. This whole thing that I've been planning is to try and protect you two." John said with a sigh. "I don't want the throne, I want you two to be happy. If you can fight the evil Anna then you deserve to be protected. I promise you that's all... I would never hurt you."
"So all this time, you could've come out of your room to protect me but you didn't?" I signed with a frown. "Why?"
John sighed. "I had a key Anna but that didn't mean I could use it. My brother was still around during the day, I tried to protect you as best I could. I promise I never wanted you hurt."
I look down and then at Elsa before taking her hand. I knew that my dad was telling me the truth but something didn't exactly sit well with me. Whatever it was I shook off the uncomfortable feeling and smiled weakly.
"So if Hans and his brothers are here to kill me to gain the throne. What the hell are they going to do to Anna?" Elsa said looking at me.
"Lock her up so she can't stop them? Or kill her too..." John said softly. "But I won't let that happen."
"That's reassuring to say the least." Elsa said softly. "But if they're in the kingdom they're probably plotting something bad..."
"I don't want you to die Elsa..." I whisper taking her hand. "I really don't want to lose you again."
"You won't Snowflake, I promise." Elsa said gently before kissing me.I kissed back but suddenly felt Elsa slump against me. "El?" I whisper. "El?!"
A soft chuckle filled the room and I turned towards the door to be face to face with my older brother. That was also when I noticed the arrow through my dads head and in Elsa's side. "NO!" I cried.
Hans smirked and walked over to me, he took my hand and pulled me up. "Welcome back Anna. We've missed you."
My colour got darker and darker and I closed my eyes. I needed a doctor and I needed one now. I push past Hans and head to find Henry or Kai. Once I found them I asked them to check on Elsa and my father and they both ran upstairs. I took a deep breath and grabbed the one thing I could. A revolver. I put it in my belt loop on my shorts and hid it with my T-shirt before heading back upstairs. I stood before Hans and looked at him. "What the hell do you want?"
"What I want is the throne and now I've got it." Hans chuckled. "Your sister can't do much about it."
"Because you shot her with an arrow. You also shot my father. You're not getting the throne. There's one person standing in your way. The heir to the throne."
TW: Homophobia
Hans guffawed. "A fag like you is not fit to be Queen. Who would want a gay Queen? Gays don't belong on the throne, they belong in prison or better yet an asylum." He chuckled meancingly. "That's exactly where you're going. I've booked you into a very nice asylum where you can be converted. Have fun Anna and with you three out of the way, that means I am now King Hans of Arendelle." He smirked and two guards grabbed me from behind.
"You won't get away with this!" I screamed as I was dragged out of the room.
"Oh Anna, I already have." Hans chuckled.Before long I was being thrown into a cell and the door was locked behind me. I looked around, the walls were padded and there was a small bookshelf and bed. I curled up on the bed and sobbed hard before falling into a deep sleep. With Elsa not there to give me my medication I needed to do things on my own. Her pale lifeless body was a vivid image in my mind. Her breath was unsteady and her hands colder than usual. I wondered whether this would be the last time I would ever see my girlfriend...

The Lost Arendellian
FanfictionAnna and Elsa are back together, but what happens when a secret kept from both sisters threaten to break them apart again? Elsa stumbles across her mothers old diaries and finds a secret about Anna. Anna is going through a rough breakup with Kristof...