Chapter 12: The Return of the Snow Queen

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Anna's POV:
It had been about a month since Hans became King, meaning I had been at this institution for about a month. I hated this place so much. All I wanted to do was see my girlfriend but I didn't even know if she was alive. I paced the room like I usually do mumbling Elsa's name. I still loved her but that made things worse for me. If I admitted she was my girlfriend I went without food or was whipped. My whole body was covered in bruises but still I refused to say otherwise.
"Be aware miss, this one is our worst cases." A voice came from outside the door. "She's mad and violent."
Mad and violent? I'm not like that I never fight back and if I try its to no avail. I sit on my bed and pull my knees up to my chest as my door opens. "Anna you have a visitor. Don't hurt her." Vanessa said before turning to the figure. "If you need any help just yell my name."
"Thank you but I can look after myself." The figure responded.
Vanny left, and the figure walked in. She wore a dark cloak and blue converse, her face covered by her hood. I curled up tighter trying to avoid her gaze before I felt a cool hand touch my cheek.
"Hello Snowflake." The figure said with a smile.
"E-El?!" I whispered yelled. "You're alive?!"
Elsa nodded and took down the hood of her cloak. "Yes our doctor works miracles hun. He told me I'd been a coma for a couple weeks."
"Try a month..." I chuckled weakly. "I thought you'd died."
"I did Anna, temporarily but what matters is I'm here now and I've been allowed by Vanny to take you out for the day." Elsa said kissing my cheek before frowing as I pushed her away.
"Hans locked me in here. He told me I was mad for thinking I could be gay. He took over as King... I thought you would get me out of here Elsa. For a day? What's the point?" I say looking down.
"Snowflake, look at me." Elsa said gently lifting my chin. "I'm taking you out to stop Hans so we can go back to caring for Arendelle. There's been a lot of stuff happening after I woke up... Hence reason why I haven't been able to visit until now. I did however write letters, did you not receive them?"
"Vanny reads them out loud before burning them or something." I whisper before hugging Elsa. "Just get me out of here please..."
As I said this a small blonde haired girl appeared in the doorway, she looked up at Elsa with wide eyes before running over to me. I picked her up and stroked her hair. "Its OK Rap, she won't hurt you."
"Anna who's this little one?" Elsa said waving softly.
"This is Rapunzel, she's been in here since she was 1, she's now 4 and I look after her." I say softly stroking the little girls head. "Her mum left." I mouthed not wanting to upset Rapunzel.
Elsa nodded and smiled. "Would you like to come on an adventure Rapunzel?" She said softly and held out her hand.
Rapunzel looked at me wearly but when I nodded she gently took Elsa's hand and nodded. Elsa smiled and took my hand before leading me and Rapunzel out of my room. She made sure to pull up her hood so no one noticed her and led us down the corridor but we were stopped by Vanny.
"Where do you think you're going?" She said crossing her arms.
"I'm taking Anna and Rapunzel out for the day." Elsa said softly pulling the small girl behind her.
"You said you were only taking Anna out, we need permission to take Rapunzel out. Sorry. Rules are rules." Vanny said glaring at Rapunzel.
Rapunzel froze before shivering. I picked her up and glared back at Vanny.
"I do a darn sight better job at looking after than you do." I say sternly.

Elsa's POV:
I smile at Anna standing up for Rapunzel before clearing my throat. "If I may interrupt, I would like to adopt Rapunzel as my own. And I'm pretty sure once I do that she is free to come out with me and Anna. So Vanny, the adoption papers if you please."
Vanny growled before heading back to the office to grab them. Once her back was turned Anna kissed me. "Thank you babe."
"Anything for you Anna. Now as a mother, we will strive to give Rapunzel the best life she could ever hope for." I say picking Rapunzel up. "Love you little one."
Rapunzel giggled and snuggled into me. "Mummy." She whispered sucking her thumb.
"That's right baby girl. I'm mummy and that's mama." Elsa said pointing at Anna with a grin. "But shush just call her Anna for now OK?"
Vanny soon came back with the adoption papers for Rapunzel and told me all about her needs. I nod and listen, knowing that none of what she said was true. Once signed I took Anna and Rapunzel out of the institute and smiled. "Let's go and reclaim our kingdom."
Anna nodded and giggled before kissing me again. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too Snowflake." I say kissing back. I looked down at our new daughter and smiled. "I'm going to ask Kristoff to look after her whilst we talk to Hans. I don't want her getting hurt."
Anna smiled and looked at Rapunzel. "Kristoff is very nice Rap, he has a reindeer called Sven who loves kids. He'll look after you. We just need to do something." She ruffles the blonde girls hair and kissed her head. "And then we can show you the castle."
I nod and chuckle. "We can indeed, but first the farm..."
"The farm?" Anna said softly. "I didn't know we had a farm."
"There's a lot about this kingdom you don't know." I chuckle. "Which is good because if you knew everything you would be bored. Kristoff was kicked out of the stables and he now works on the farm. Sven is in with the other reindeers."
"What happened to him being the official ice harvester?" Anna said softly.
"In Hans' eyes that was not a real job. He made me a servant, his personal servant so he could keep an eye on me." I said taking Anna's hand in mine.

Once we arrived at the farm I found Kristoff digging holes in the garden. He looked up and his eyes widened. "Anna?! You're alive! Hans told me you died!"
"Hans locked me up and made everyone believe I was mad." Anna said weakly.
"That son of a gun. I'll kill him..." Kristoff said clenching his fists. "I'm glad you're OK though..."
Anna smiled and hugged him gently. "I'm fine now I'm out. But we have a favour to ask you."
"Anything Anna." Kristoff said with a smile.
Anna looked at me and nodded. I looked at Rapunzel in my arms and kissed her forehead. "This is Kristoff, he's gonna look after you while Mama and I go stop Hans. OK baby?"
Rapunzel nodded and waved at Kristoff who happily took her from me and placed her on his back. "I'll take her to meet Sven. You two be careful OK?"
"We will Kristoff I promise." I take Anna's hand and kiss her cheek. "Ready to get our kingdom back babe?"
"As ready as I'll ever be El..." Anna said softly with a weak smile.

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