Chapter 13: The Smackdown

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Hans' POV:
Being King was amazingly easy. I told people what to do and like magic they did it. With Elsa as my personal assistant I knew I would win. I noticed her reading in the kitchen like she usually is when she has nothing to do. "Elsa?"
"Yes your majesty?" She said looking up from her book.
"Where have you been?" I say crossing my arms.
"I went into the village to get some fresh air and see Kristoff." Elsa said crossing her arms like I had.
"Did you have my permission to do that?" I ask sternly.
"No your majesty but I needed the fresh air. In sorry it won't happen again." Elsa said looking down.
"Darn right it won't otherwise you'll be in the dungeon with the other traitors." I say with a smirk. "Your hands will be bound so you can't make any ice."
"You will do no such thing!" A voice said from behind me.
I turned around to see Anna holding a revolver with a smirk on her face. I chuckle and knock the revolver out of her hand. "Guards! Make sure Elsa doesn't follow me, my sister and I need a little chat." I say before grabbing Anna and taking her out of the room.

Anna's POV:
This wasn't the plan! Oh gods what the hell did Hans want to talk about? I tried to get out of his grip but it was way too strong. I swallow and bite my lip. Once we were in the office Hans handcuffs me and pushes me into the chair.
"How did you get out?" He said glaring at me.
"I broke out." I say with a smile.
"That place is on high security all day long, Vanny was supposed to keep an eye on you 24/7." Hans said crossing his arms.
"Oh yeah I know and she did but I still managed to escape. So Hans you finally got what you wanted." I say looking out of the window. "You now rule Arendelle."
"I know I did and theres no one here to stop me. You can't do anything you're too weak." He chuckled.
"Yeah you're right, I wouldn't dream of stopping you." I say getting up. "Now if we're done here, I really should be going to see my girlfriend."

Hans got up to follow me but there was a blast of magic and he was glued to the ground. Elsa stood in the doorway with a soft smile on her face. "Guards! Seize him! Lock him up with the others!"
Hans chuckled. "They won't listen to you, they've been programmed to follow my orders and only my orders. And now you've bought this upon yourselves. Guards! Seize Anna and take her to the room."
Kai and Henry come from behind and grab me. I scream and try to reach for Elsa but Hans has two guards grab her and bind her hands. I keep trying to get out of the grip but Kai holds my arm tighter.
"Don't fight it Princess. You're only going to get yourself into more trouble." Henry said as he forcefully pushed me into a chair. Things were connected to my head and a strange whirring sound quickly filled the room. My brain felt like mush straight away. I couldn't feel anything. Before long the whirring stopped, the things were taken from my head and I was hauled up.
"What's your name?" Kai asked
"Anna of the Southern Isles." I reply.
"How old are you?" Was the next question.
"18 years old." I say softly.
"And who are you in relation to Elsa?" Henry said crossing his arms.
"Elsa? Whose Elsa? You mean Princess Elsa? No I don't know her." I say softly.
"Excellent. Welcome back Anna." Kai said with a chuckle. "Your brother is waiting for you outside. Go to him."
I nod and head out to see Hans standing on a stage and Elsa standing handcuffed next to him. A gun was being held to her head and she was bound and cuffed. Powerless to do anything. I gulped before being motioned to stand next to Hans.
"This is my younger sister Anna, who I love with all my heart." Hans said.
Yeah right... He was about to kill my girlfriend! I had to do something!
"Hi everyone, my name is Anna! Its a pleasure to meet you all." I say waving. "But you guys already know me, seeing as I've lived here for 13 years with Elsa!"
The crowd nodded and bowed. "Princess Anna."
"That's right, I am Princess Anna and the lady who has a gun being held to her head is Queen Elsa. The rightful heir to the throne. Not this guy who murders my father, hurts me and then locks me up, nearly kills my sister and then engraves a word that can never be hidden onto my arm. He is a monster and a sly one at that. Him and all his brothers deserve to be locked up in a dungeon for the rest of their lives."
Hans glared at me and chuckled. "What are you doing Anna?"
"Me? Oh I'm telling the truth. Now if you would be so kind, I'd like you to let my sister go please." I say holding a gun to his head. "Now before I shoot."
"Alright alright! Don't shoot!" He says holding up his hands.
"Well that was easy." I say with a chuckle, however as soon as I said that I was thrown to the ground. "Ow..."
"ANNA!" Elsa yelled. "Are you OK?"
"I'm fine!" I say, although I was winded. "Yeah I'm fine." I get up and see Eric standing next to Hans. "Hello Eric!"
"You know what to do Eric. Take her back to the institution." Hans said kicking me to the ground again.
"Lay one finger on her and I will make you pay." Elsa said with a low growl.
Hans guffawed. "You? How? Your hands are bound and you're weak."
I nod. "Yeah you're right Hans. We are weak, we will never defeat you. You may as well kill us both."

Hans turned to face me and held the gun to my head, however I smacked his face, grabbed the gun and held it up to him. "Everyone this man has been lying to you. His name is Hans of the Southern Isles and he's been trying to get the throne. He is also my brother and he spent the first 5 years of my life torturing me along with my other brothers. He kidnapped me and locked me in a room before hurting me more and he engraved the word fag on my arm. I'm gay and I'm proud to be gay. Do you really want this man to be your King? Or would you like someone who is pure of heart like Elsa is? Choose wisely." I say with a smirk.
The crowd cheered for Elsa and I smiled. "Then its decided, the rightful heir to the Arendelle throne is recrowned Queen Elsa of Arendelle. Henry, Kai lock up the 13 brothers in the place they took me."
Kai nodded and bowed. "Welcome home your majesty."
I nod and smile. "Thank you Kai."
Elsa engulfed me in a hug and kissed my forehead. "You were incredible Snowflake."
"We did it El." I say happily.
"Not we. You did it Anna. You stood up for yourself, that took an awful lot of courage." Elsa said with a smile. She took a deep breath before looking out at the crowd, then she got down on now knee. "Anna, you make me the happiest girl in the world. You're beautiful, amazing and you make me laugh. I love you and I never want to lose you ever again, so would you do the honours of becoming my wife?"
I gasped and tears filled my eyes. "Yes!" I giggled kissing Elsa passionately. The crowd exploded into applause as Elsa slipped the ring onto my finger. Oh my god! I was getting married! I smile and squeal before kissing Elsa again.

Do you know what the best thing is?! As soon as Elsa proposed a flood of colour appeared back into my vision. It was overwhelming at first but I can see Elsa in colour! Everything is in colour! "El?"
"What is it Snowflake?" Elsa said picking me up.
"You're wearing a blue top, with white jeans and blue converse." I say with a smile. "And I'm wearing a black T-shirt, green shirt, black jeans and red converse."
"You can see colour again?!" Elsa said with a grin. "Yes!"
I nod and kiss her again. It was like fireworks exploding, this was the best day of my life.

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