Chapter 9: Caught...

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Kristoff's POV:
I nervously make my way over to Anna's bed and sit next to her. "Anna?"
She seemed too look in every direction. Then I remembered her world was black and white, she probably couldn't see anything. "Would you like me to turn the light on?"
Anna nodded. "P-Please." She whispered.
I nodded and turned her light on before sitting next to her. "You're awake..."
Anna nodded and waved awkwardly. She looked guilty and then glanced at her pill on the table. "I'm sorry..." She signed looking down.
"Anna its not me you should be apologising too... Its yourself. Those pills are to help you sleep..." I say wrapping my arm around her shoulder.
"You don't know what its like Kristoff! Its dark and I can't see anything apart from you and Elsa dead..." Anna signed hiding her face in my chest.
"Anna try for me. Please? I'll stay here in case you have a nightmare." I say handing Anna the pill.
"I don't want to sleep! I don't want to go back there! I won't I won't!" Anna screamed flinging her glass of water over me. Great now I was soaking wet and Anna was still screaming.
Before I knew it the door was flung open and Elsa stood in the doorway with a stern look on her face. Oh gods I don't think this is gonna end well.

Elsa's POV:
I awoke to screaming coming from Anna's room. Screaming? She should be asleep... I rose from my bed and made my way across to Anna's room and just like I'd thought I saw a light shining from under the door. I flung it open and crossed my arms.
"Kristoff, go downstairs and get another glass of water for Anna please." I say glaring at Anna. "And dry yourself off as well."
Kristoff nods and heads out of the room. I watch him leave before slowly turning to face my girlfriend. She looked up at me innocently and smiled weakly.
"Anna?" I say sternly.
"Yes Elsa?" She said softly.
"You're supposed to be asleep." It was then I noticed the small blue pill laying next to her bed. "You didnt take it?"
Anna shook her head. "No I didn't take it! You don't know what its like Elsa!"
"Do you think you're going to get better if you don't take your medicine?" I say walking over to her bed.
"I don't care! You died Elsa! Kristoff died, I was hurt and everyone knew that I was gay. They knew about us. Everywhere I go I hear that word repeating in my head. I DONT WANT TO SLEEP!"
Before I knew what I was doing a defining slap filled the room. My eyes connected with Anna's and they looked scared, only then did I realise that my hand had connected itself with Anna's cheek. I had just slapped my girlfriend...
"Gods! I am so sorry Anna..." I whisper immediately removing my hand from her cheek.
"Get out." Anna whimpered.
"Anna please I'm sorry..." I say weakly.
"GET OUT!" Anna screamed.
I got up and left the room, sitting outside with my head in my knees. I had just acted like Hans and for what? Yes I was angry at Anna but I didn't need to slap her. Was she ever going to forgive me?

Anna's POV:
I curled up in another tight ball wishing the ground would just swallow me up. Elsa was angry at me and I didn't want that but she had every right to be angry at me as I hadn't taken my medication. I felt my cheek and sighed. I then got up and headed to Elsa's room. Once there I gently knocked on the door. "El? Can we talk?"
"Of course, come in Anna." Elsa said taking a deep breath.
I walked in and held out my pill. "I want you to be in charge of me taking my medication." I say sitting on the bed.
Elsa nods softly and takes the pill from my hand. "What if you refuse?"
"If I refuse I want you to be stern with me and open my mouth." I say softly.
"You want me to force you to take it?" Elsa said with a gulp.
I nodded. "Yes, that's exactly what I want you to do."
Elsa nodded and opened my mouth, carefully shoving the pill in. "Swallow snowflake. Now."
I swallow and smile softly at Elsa. "Thanks babe." I yawn and soon I'm fast asleep in Elsa's arms.

Elsa's POV:
Force Anna to take her pills? Well hopefully she'll remember to take them. I knew she was going to be extremely stubborn but I was willing to take that risk. I grab her teddy and cuddle her close to me. Her head lays on my chest, she looks so calm when she slept. I keep thinking how can one innocent girl go through something like this? I don't want this for her anymore. I wish I could take away her pain. Anna sniffled in her sleep and whimpered, I stroked her hair gently and she seemed to relax. I hummed mother's lullaby hoping that would take her mind off whatever she was dreaming about. She smiled softly in her sleep and bit her lip. I kissed her cheek and fell asleep myself.

The next morning, I was awoken by an odd pain in my hands, I looked at them and saw they were blue and cracked. Strange, the cold never bothered me this much. Plus I was in control of my powers. I sat up and mumbled the message Anna had taught me. "Be yourself, you got this." I paced around the room and soon I heard my name being called.
"El? You ok?" Anna said sitting up in the bed.
I nod and gently kiss her. "Good morning Snowflake." I make sure to hide my hands in my pockets.
"Why are you hiding your hands? Is everything ok?" Anna asked taking my hands out of my pockets. 

The minute they touched my hands I yelped in pain. She dropped them and looked at me. Her eyes were full of worry and she had tears rolling down her cheeks. "Elsa what's wrong?" 
"I don't know Anna, I don't know. My hands they're just really sore all of a sudden." I said flinching.
Anna looked around to see a small blizzard begin to form. That's weird Im almost always in control of my  powers. "El? You're flurrying."

Anna's POV:

Elsa almost passed out and collapsed towards me. I caught her but stumbled backwards, my legs buckling in the process. We both land in a heap on the floor, my legs were beyond painful but my girlfriend was passed out. "Kristoff! Help!" I yelled.
A moment later, Kristoff was hauling Elsa off of my legs and placing her on the bed. "Anna what happened?"
"I don't know, she said her hands hurt and then collapsed." I signed looking down.
"Right OK. I'll go grab the doctor. You need any help getting up?" He said gently taking my hand. With his help I'm up and balanced again on my crutches. "Thank you Kristoff."

He nods before dashing out of the room and I am left with my sleeping girlfriend. I was worried about her. Very worried. I hope she's OK, I really do.

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