Chapter 7: The Reunion

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Anna's POV:
"D-Dad?" I whisper as Elsa leads me over to the sofa and sits me down.
"Anna are you OK?" She says stroking my hair gently.
I nod and look at her. "What's he doing here?" I sign.
"He said he cared about you. He said he never got to see you when you grew up in the castle." Elsa said wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
"You look beautiful Anna..." My dad said softly sitting opposite us. "You look so much like your mother."
"You hurt me, you left me without food for weeks, you let Hans and the others beat me up. Why?" I sign glaring at my father.
"Anna I didn't do that. Elsa is right I never got to see you after you were born, I was locked away by my brother and he took over as King. You were born and then ripped away from me. I wrote the letter to the Queen and King of Arendelle to ask whether they could take you from that hell. Every night I heard you crying for me, and banging on my door, begging for help. I used to sing to you to calm you down but I couldn't come out, he had the key. I'm sorry Anna. I'm really sorry..." My father looked down and had tears rolling down his cheeks, he looked heartbroken and sad.
"Dad? Its OK... I forgive you." I sign weakly before looking at Elsa with a smile. Elsa smiled back and kissed my cheek gently.
My father looked up. "You do? Oh thank you so much Anna..."
I smile weakly and nod before looking at Elsa. "Should we tell him?" I sign.
Elsa nods softly. "John if you want to be a part of Anna's life again there is something you need to know. But you cannot tell anyone else."
John nods. "Anything for Anna. What is it?"

Elsa's POV:
Anna took a deep breath before looking at me. I do the same and gently kiss Anna. I see John's eyes widen before he smiles and holds a hand to his heart. "You two are together? Like a couple?"
I nod softly and pull Anna close. "Yes we are and I know that its technically illegal to be dating my sister but I love her with all my heart."
"I'm not judging you at all, I think its incredibly brave to be doing such a thing." John said with a smile. "I'm proud of you both and I will keep it a secret I promise."
I watch Anna get up off the sofa and go over to her father. They hug and I smile. Anna's father was so nice, why weren't her brothers as nice?
"Dad can I ask you a question?" Anna signed balancing on her crutches.
"You can ask me anything Anna." John said softly.
"Why did Hans try to marry me? He obviously knew I was his sister, so why did he try and marry me?" She signs looking down.
That was actually a very good question. Hans must've known so why did he try and seduce Anna into thinking that he was someone else.
"Hans did what?! He tried to marry you? But isn't that classed as incest? You two are different because you're not biologically related but Hans and you, Anna... That's just wrong." John said angrily.
"Didn't he say to you, he wanted the throne?" I say softly taking Anna's shaking hand in mine. "Before he left you to die of a frozen heart..."
"Oh that little demon. I'm so sorry Anna, I'm sorry he left you to die. Who froze your heart?" John said sitting down.
"Well..." Anna signed anxiously. "Its a long story..."
"Please tell me Anna." John said softly.

Anna's POV:
Oh god what was I going to say? Oh yeah actually the person who froze my heart is my girlfriend? That would go down well. I mean she was scared and I was trying to get her to come back home but still, there are a lot of people who are still frightened of Elsa. I take a deep breath.
"It happened last summer, mother and father died in a ship accident and Elsa was coronated as Queen, bare in mind we had been shut out from each other for a long time and this was the first time I was seeing El since I was 5. Elsa got coronated and Hans asked me to marry him and I said yes because I was young and naive and I didnt know who he was. Elsa told me I couldn't marry him because I'd just met him, so I got annoyed, then she got annoyed and shot out a wall of ice. Then Elsa ran to the north mountain and set off an eternal winter. I went after her, tried to get to come back butttt she was scared and refused but I kept trying until she accidentally lost control of her magic and shot me in the heart with a blast of ice." I said quietly without taking a breath.
"Elsa shot you in the heart with ice?" My dad says looking across to Elsa.
"Yes but it was an accident and then she saved my life. The trolls said 'only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart' and Elsa was my true love." I signed quickly standing in front of my girlfriend. "I promise Dad it was an accident."
"Is this true Elsa?" John said sternly.
"Yes sir..." Elsa said looking down. "But Anna's right it was an accident. I would never purposely hurt her."
"Please dad I promise you it was an accident. She apologised and we forgave each other." I signed taking Elsa's hand.
"How do I know that she's not going to do it again? Is she in control of her powers?" My father said looking at Elsa.
"I am sir. Anna helped me control them, they only start going crazy if I'm stressed but then I think about Anna and the stress disappears. What happened, happened because I didn't know how to control my power. Once Anna froze I knew I had to conceal them, so I did. I promise I would never hurt Anna again." Elsa said with a weak smile.
My father nodded and took my hand. "Keep her safe for me, your Majesty. I don't want her to die like her mother."
"What happened to her mother if you don't mind me asking." Elsa said softly.
"She died giving birth to Anna." Dad said looking down.
"That's why everyone hates me isn't it? Because they blame me for the death of their mother..." I whisper before sitting down.
"Anna, no that's not wyy everyone hates you, I don't know why they hate you, I seriously don't but it isn't because of that I promise. You didn't kill your mother, she was weak and tired and she just passed in her sleep." Dad said sitting next to me.
I nod weakly before getting up. "I-Im going to the docks..." I whisper before leaving the room. My thoughts get wilder and wilder and all I can see is darkness. I hear Elsa tell my father to find a place to stay and then I hear her voice call after me. I ignore it and head down to the docks, I know she's following me but I don't turn around because I know what I'll see, her with a dagger in her chest. I eventually make it to the docks and sit down on the bench and just watch the ships go by, everything looked different, blurred, colourless. My world was black and white and I had no idea how to get the colour back.

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