Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed

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Elsa's POV:
How the hell was I going to tell my younger sister that I was gay? She'll probably laugh at me and then tell me to get out. That's what mum and dad did, they told me it was just a phase, I'll grow out of it. But they're wrong. So wrong. I watch Anna turn over in her sleep and then she opens her eyes to look at me. "Hello sleepyhead. You feeling any better now?"
Anna nodded softly as she snuggled against me and sniffled. I gently stroke her hair. "Hey Anna, I wanna talk to you about something important. But I don't want you to hate me..." I say nervously looking at her.
Anna raised an eyebrow before nodding and holding out her pinky, I chuckle and shake it, knowing that's her way of making a promise to me. I take a deep breath. "I'm gay." I look at Anna who has a soft smile on her face. "Anna?"

Anna's POV:
Elsa's gay too?! That doesn't make my secret sound so bad now. I hear my name and look up. "I'm gay too." I sign with a gentle smile.
"You are?" Elsa says quietly.
I nod and giggle before hugging her tightly. I was so proud of my sister and I really wanted to tell her that but I did not want to speak as hearing my voice brought me immense pain. I pull away from her and smile and then feel a pair of lips kissing mine. The lips felt amazing and I slowly opened my eyes to see my sister kissing me. I gasped and kissed back. Why did the kiss feel amazing? I kiss her again this time more passionately and giggle.
"What was that Elsa?" I signed with a soft smile.
"Well... I like like you. Like love you." Elsa mumbled.
"You do?" I sign back. "Well that's um good because I love you too."
Her eyes widen and she smiles before kissing me again. I blush extremely hard and smile. This felt so wrong but also felt so right. I was kissing my sister, at that my adoptive sister but still. I looked into her icy blue eyes and kissed her nose gently. "Elsa can we make us official?" I sign looking up at her.
Elsa nodded with a grin. "Of course baby. Of course we can." She stroked my hair and smiled. "I've had feelings for you for a long time snowflake. A very long time. You saved my life, I would still be living in my palace if it weren't for you."
"I would do anything for you Elsa. Anything at all." I sign with a smile. "But what are we going to tell everyone?"

That was the biggest issue, everyone in Arendelle knows that me and Elsa are sisters. Would the actually agree with us dating? I don't know how they would feel about having a gay royal. What if they hurt Elsa and drive her out of Arendelle again?! I won't let that happen. I look up at Elsa who has a nervous look in her face. "We don't snowflake, this stays between us and if anyone accidentally finds out then we deal with it accordingly. Trust me Anna, I won't let us get separated again."
"But what about our legacy?" I sign biting my lip. "We're not gonna be around forever, we need someone to carry on our legacy."
"Anna hunny, we will cross that bridge when we get to that age. You're only 18 babe, you've got several years left in you." Elsa says kissing my head. "The only thing to think about is changing the dressings on your wounds."

Elsa's POV:
My thoughts are running at 100 miles per hour. Anna and I are now official. She's my girlfriend and I love it, but a tiny voice whispers in my mind. This is wrong, she's your sister. Royals can't be gay. I push my thoughts down and look down at my beautiful girlfriend laying on her bed. I kiss her forehead before starting to change her dressings. How could someone so beautiful go through something like this? Why would Hans and his brothers do something like this to her, they could've killed her. Kristoff said that when he found Anna, she could barely stand up. I kiss everyone of the cuts and bruises and then kiss Anna's nose gently. "Anna, I want you to try aomething for me. Can you sit up snowflake?"
Anna struggled for a few moments before she sat up against her pillows. OK that wasn't a good start. I gently took her hands and pulled her up out of bed. She stumbled and immediately fell against me.
"Anna I want you to take a step towards me." I say biting my lip.
"I-I can't..." Anna said weakly she was trying to move her left leg but it wouldn't budge.
"Oh baby, I am so sorry..." I say hugging Anna gently. I lie her back down and stroke her hair. "Whatever Hans and his brothers did to you, I think they made you paralysed."
Anna gasped and burst into tears, I stroke her hair and hold her close.

Anna's POV:
Paralysed. I was paralysed. Elsa got the doctor to come and check me over and he agreed with Elsa. He said that four of the nerves that connected to my legs had been severed so my brain was not getting the messages to move my legs. He brings me a wheelchair decorated with all my favourite things. I smile softly and thank him before he leaves.

Once he does leave I turn to my girlfriend with tears in my eyes.
"Shush don't cry snowflake. I'll help you every step of the way." She kisses me gently.
"Can we go for a walk?" I sign weakly.
Elsa nods and carries me to my chair. She smiles and strokes my hair. "Hey baby? In a wheelchair you look amazing, I love you so much."
"I love you too babe." I sign with a smile looking up at my girlfriend.

She takes the handles of my chair and wheels me out of my room. We head outside for an adventure on one of the most beautiful days.

STAY TUNED FOR CHAPTER 5! This may be where a certain person turns up again but I'm not sure. I feel like for now a lot has happened to Anna and she doesn't need any more drama. So it may be for the next couple of chapters its just Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Olaf hanging out together. Im not sure but anyways stay tuneeeeeeed! Katie out!

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