Chapter 10: Poisoned?!

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Anna's POV:
Oh god, oh god, oh god. Elsa passed out! I paced around my room, or at least paced as much as I could on crutches. This was all my fault. If I'd have just taken my medication my girlfriend wouldn't be passed out on her bed. I hope she's ok. I really do. I can't live without her. I don't want to live without her. The doctor comes in and checks her over. I notice her raise an eyebrow and motion for me. I nervously approach her.
"Princess Anna, your sister will be fine. She will wake up very soon." The doctor said softly.
"Do you know what happened?" I ask quietly.
"We believe there may have been something poisonous in Elsa's drink. Something put there by someone who wants her out of the way." The doctor said. "Do you know of anyone who would want her out of the way?"
I shake my head in response to her question and bite my lip. I had a funny feeling I knew who wanted her dead but I wasn't about to tell the doctor. Not because I didn't trust her but because I wanted to deal with this on my own. I look at Elsa who is beginning to wake up, she looks tired, she looks sick. She tries to sit up but I shake my head and lay her back down. The doctor leaves and once again I'm left alone with my girlfriend. I sit on the end of the bed and stroke Elsa's hair before kissing her gently.
"Hey Snowflake. Is everything OK?" Elsa said weakly before coughing.
I nod and smile. "Everything's fine now that you're awake. Are you feeling OK?"
Elsa kind of shrugs and chuckles. "Honestly? I feel awful. Hug me?" She says reaching out to me.
"I um have to deal with something first babe. But I'll be back as soon as possible. I love you." I say gently kissing her forehead.
"I love you too hunny. Stay safe please. I can't lose you." Elsa said with a weak smile.
I nod and head out of the room. I felt bad about leaving Elsa when she wasn't well but I had to do something about the person who poisoned Elsa. And that someone was going to pay big time.

Elsa's POV:
I was worried about Anna, not because I knew she couldn't look after herself but because I knew she could get hurt. She was vulnerable enough as it is but on crutches she was even more vulnerable. I get up and quietly follow her to where she was going. Her fathers room? Why was she going to speak with him? Maybe they were getting to know each other more. Or maybe she just wanted to spend some time with him. Whatever it was, I was surprised by the sudden shouts. I stumbled over to the door and listened to every word.

Anna's POV:
"You lied to me! You said you wouldn't hurt any of us!" I yelled at my father.
"I never said I wouldn't hurt Elsa, I said I wouldn't hurt you. I was trying to get you the throne Anna. Isn't that what you want? To be heard, to be seen." John yelled back.
"No! What I want is to be ruling my kingdom with my girlfriend!" I screamed. "She doesn't deserve to die! Or get hurt, she's been hurt enough in the past!"
"Anna, love, don't you see what you're doing is wrong? You and Elsa can't be together. Blood related or not, you're siblings. Its wrong!" John cried back.
"You said you accepted it. You said you would support us." I said in tears. "You said that you were proud of me."
"I lied Anna, just like I lied to Elsa when I first met her too. I've lied to both of you. I'm here to take the crown and there's nothing you can do to stop me." John said with a smirk. "And if it means I have to kill both of you, then that's how it will be. You really do remind me of your mother Anna, shame you're about to perish the same way she did."
Before I knew it there was blast of ice cold magic and my father's feet where iced to the floor. He tried to move but couldn't. I turned to see Elsa standing in the doorway, her hands raised and a face like thunder. Oh boy was I glad to see her.
"How dare you lie to the Queen." Elsa said sternly glaring at John.
"Your majesty, whatever you just heard isn't true. I wasn't really going to make Anna perish." John said softly.
"You poisoned me, so you could gain access to the throne? What were you going to do with Anna if I died?" Elsa said making a snowball in her hand.
"I would've made her Queen. That's what she's always wanted." John said softly.
"No no you would've killed me! You said I was going to perish like my mother did." I signed hiding behind Elsa.
"What did you do to Anna's mother?" Elsa said taking my hand. "You told us she died in childbirth but something tells me that you lied about that too."
"I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you." John chuckled.
"Would you really like to go down that road John?" Elsa chuckled drily. "See because I have ice powers and you don't."
My vision suddenly blurred and the air around me started getting colder and colder. I stumbled backwards and closed my eyes. I heard Elsa yell my  name and I opened my eyes just to see her fall to the ground with a dagger pointing out of her chest.
"NO ELSA!" I scream before collapsing into heavy sobs.

Elsa's POV:
Anna was shaking violently in her sleep. She was sobbing my name and screaming. I tried to wake her up but the sleeping pill did its job. I shake her again, this time more violently but that just made her cry even more. "GET OFF ME! PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME BACK THERE!" She cried.
"Anna, Snowflake... Shush its OK. Its OK. I'm here, I'm here. I've got you and I'm never letting go." I say softly kissing my girlfriends head. "I will always be here for you."
Anna seemed to crumple in my arms. Her sobs became louder and her screams faded. Whatever she was going through I was going to help her. One step at a time. No matter how long it takes. I hummed our mothers lullaby and Anna seemed to relax in my arms. This was going to be a long night...

The next morning, Anna awoke. She looked awful, her face was paler than usual and her hair was stuck to her face with sweat. She had bags under her eyes and her hands were shaking. I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. "Morning Snowflake."
Anna smiled weakly and melted into the hug before looking at me. "You're alive!" She signed.
"I'm alive?" I said confused. Anna wasn't speaking to me, she normally does speak to me, but today? No... Interesting. "Anna why are you not speaking to me?"
"My throat hurts and plus I don't feel like talking today." Anna signed with a weak smile.
"Can you try? I miss your beautiful voice." I whine kissing her nose. "Pwease?"
Anna rolled her eyes and started to say I love you but it came out really raspy and by the end she didn't have a voice. I frown and kiss her. I knew why she didn't have a voice, it was because of all the screaming she did in the night. I really wanted to know what happened in those nightmares and what demons were haunting Anna.

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