Pt 5 - The motel key

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"Guys.... I think there's a boat down there" Pope exclaimed, pointing down into the water.

"Shut up, what?" Kie said, not believing the boy.

"No way" John B replied, walking towards the ignition to see if the boat would turn on.

"No, no, guys, I'm being serious. There's a boat down there!" Pops said loudly, trying to get his friends to look.

"For real?" Emma said, pushing herself further up JJ's back to look over the boys shoulders, down to where Pope is pointing. JJ can feel her warm breath on his cheek, looking straight down into the water to try and hide his growing blush.

"Holy shit, he's right. Let's go" Kie shouted, jumping into the water, as John B and Pope rushed to take their clothes off, jumping in after the girl.

"You think there's a dead body down there?" Pope asked, getting weird looks from his friends.

"You're really weird sometimes, Pope" Emma said, as she slipped off of JJ's back and started to swim straight down to the boat, closely followed by the other four. They get down to the boat and hold on to the roof to keep them under, Emma and John B look at each other, the same look of excitement growing onto their faces. Running out of breath, the five pogues push off the top of the roof and resurface, taking large, deep breaths.

"You guys saw that?" Pope said, loudly, the adrenaline getting him worked up.


"Yeah, I did"

"What the...."

"That's a grady-white" JJ exclaimed happily as he pulled himself back onto the boat. "A new one of those is like 500 G's, easy" he continued, leaning over and reaching for Emma, pulling her up into the boat.

"Jesus Christ"

"That's a primo rig" he yelled, getting a little over excited about a sunken ship.

"Yeah, it's the boat we saw when we surfed the surge" John B said, pointing at Emma when a look of realisation washes over her face.

"Holy shit, of course it is" she exclaimed, beaming up at John B.

"Maybe it hit the jetty or something?" John B carried on, talking to his sister. She was about to reply when Kie said,

"you surfed the surge?" Giving both twins a look of concern and shock.

"Yeah we did" John B replied, flashing Kiara a smile and a shrug.

"I don't know if you can call it surfing, but yeah" Emma replied, thinking back to the night where the pair got thrown off their boards more times than they cared to remember.

"Yeah, that's right, pogue style!" JJ shouted, doing that pogue handshake with each sibling.

"What the heck?" Kie exclaimed, a look of disappointment washing over her face as she looked at Emma, who gave her a sympathetic smile, knowing that Kiara was only concerned for her two best friends.

"Wait, wait. Do we know who's boat that is?" Pope asked as John B made his way over to the hold of the boat.

"No, but we're about to find out" John B said. Pulling the anchor out of the hold and looking towards his sister. She gave him a nod and grabbed the other side of the anchor, the pair positioning themselves at the front of the boat.

"Dude. It's too deep" JJ said, watching Emma as she readies herself.

"Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ" John B said looking between JJ and his baby sister, noticing JJ's hidden anxiety for the girl.

An Outer Banks story // JJ Maybank x OCWhere stories live. Discover now