Pt 31 - I love you

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After a while of just embracing each other in the hot tub, everyone started to calm down. No one was crying anymore, although they all had red puffy eyes. Emma pulled away slightly and the hug dismembered. Kie and Pope were the first to climb out of the hot tub, bidding goodbye to the pair as they left them to have some privacy.

Emma pulled away from JJ and just looked into his eyes. JJ stared back and in that moment, no words were needed to be said, they understood each other completely.

JJ's eyes flicked down to Emma's lips and back to her eyes. Emma's eyes followed suit and before she knew it, JJ pressed his lips against hers and they were kissing passionately. At first it was slow and loving, as though they were telling the other their feelings, but it soon dissolved into a needy and intense kiss. Their tongues slipped in and out of each other's mouths, as though they were getting rid of all that pent up anger and pain. Emma's hands found their way to his messy hair as his grabbed tightly onto her waist, pulling her as close as possible

After what felt like an eternity, Emma pulled out of the kiss, the pair taking long deep breaths. JJ rested his forehead against Emma's, the pair closed their eyes as they revelled in the feeling of being together. Emma ran her hands through the nape of his hair. He gently rubbed the exposed skin of her waist with his thumbs.

Emma hesitantly opened her eyes, looking up to the blonde, "maybe we should clean this up" she said quietly, looking around them at the mess the blonde had made

"Yeah, maybe we should" he said, the two chuckled slightly and pulled away from each other. JJ stumbled as he went to climb out of the hot tub as he was clearly still drunk, so instead he settled to just sit on the side.

As Emma cleaned the hot tub and the surrounding area, and JJ sat on the side of the hot tub with his feet in the pool watching the girl around him, he drank a lot of water in order to sober up, although their crying has helped a lot with that. It didn't take long for Emma to clean up his mess, before she made her way towards the generator, shutting it off and plunging the two into darkness.

JJ slowly climbed fully out of the hot tub, walking over to Emma and grabbing onto her waist, pushing her in the direction of the chateau door. Emma couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach as the boy touched her exposed skin

They made their way into Emma's bedroom, the girl guiding JJ threw the house. She grabbed a towel and threw it at the boy before walking off into John B's room and retrieving some clothes for the blonde to wear

Walking back into the room, JJ had removed his wet clothes and was left in only a pair of boxers. Emma looked up towards her ceiling, trying her hardest not to look as she threw the clothes to the blonde, causing him to chuckle at the girls reaction

Without putting the clothes on, JJ grabbed Emma's waist and pulled her into him, making her stand in between his legs as he sat on her bed, looking up at her. He ran his hands up and down her thighs, squeezing her ass when he had the chance.

Emma removed her eyes from the ceiling and looked down at the blonde. She couldn't help but be mesmerised by his eyes. Beginning to slowly bend down, she asked, "How drunk are you?"  pausing just before their lips made contact

"Not at all" he replied, pulling her face all the way down and slamming their lips together again. Emma crawled onto his lap, straddling his waist as they continued to make out heavily.

JJ's hands ran up and down Emma's sides, going further up every time. Emma broke from the kiss and pulled her top over her head, allowing JJ access to her body.

"Are you sure?" He asked the girl

"Positive. As long as you know what you're doing. You promise you aren't drunk?"" she replied, looking straight into his eyes 

"Positive", a smirk on both their faces as they began to make out again. JJ stood up abruptly and spun them round, laying her on her back and crawling on top of her. He moved his mouth down to her neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her back arching from the pleasure. 

One hand was planted next to her head, keeping him up, as the other ran down her body, stopping on her shorts. He slowly undone the button and unzipped her shorts. She grabbed his face with both hands and pulled his face out of her neck and back to her lips, pushing her tongue into his mouth, fighting for dominance. JJ smirked as he pushed his hand into her shorts and underneath her panties. When his fingers came into contact with her core, she broke the kiss. Her mouth falling open as a moan sounded from her lips. Her eyes rolled back as he applied pressure to her clit and pushed one finger into her entrance. 

JJ was entranced by her reaction, not caring about himself, getting more than enough pleasure simply from her facial expressions and the sounds coming from her mouth. He leaned back down slowly, hovering his lips over hers teasingly. Emma moved up to kiss him but he moved back, smirking at her eagerness. She groaned, dropping her head back onto her pillow before JJ captured her lips with his once again. He kissed her slowly and lovingly. He pushed another finger into her, causing her eyes to widen more and she released a moan into his mouth. 

The pair went on to make passionate love all through the night. This was not like their first time, no, this was soft and loving. This was not fucking or hooking up, it was making love, as the two became one hundred percent certain they loved each other.

They laid in silence, tangled in each other's arms, catching their breaths

"Emma" JJ whispered to the girl in his arms


"Thank you" he said quietly

"What for?" She asked, running her hand through his hair and up and down his bare back

"Everything. For looking out for me. For being there for me ever since we met" he said lovingly, clinging onto her body tightly. "I love you" he admitted to the girl.

As those words left his mouth, Emma froze. She couldn't describe the feeling. The feeling of absolute bliss, absolute happiness passing through her at those three words. She could not have asked for anything better to happen as the boy she loved loved her back

"I love you, JJ" Emma said back to him. He lifted his head and looked directly into her eyes

"You do?" He asked, seemingly shocked

"Of course I do" she replied, placing her hand on his cheek and smiling up to him

"Are you sure?" He questioned her again

Emma rolled her eyes at the boy, bringing his face down and kissing him again. This kiss was full of love as they poured all their love into it.

"More sure about anything in my life" Emma answered the boy. Big grins formed on both of their faces as JJ fell on top of Emma, hugging her tightly to him

As the pair started to fall asleep, they could not be happier. Nothing could ruin their moods as they started to drift asleep

"I love you, JJ Maybank" Emma said, as she felt her eyes closing

"I love you, Emma Routledge" the blonde replied as they fell asleep together, with smiles on their faces

An Outer Banks story // JJ Maybank x OCWhere stories live. Discover now