Pt 3 - Hurricane agatha

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Emma and John B were sat opposite a desk in a building neither of the twins wanted to be in. A lady Emma had seen a few times since their father's disappearance walked into the room and sat down in front of them.

"John, Emma. It's come to our attention that you two are unemancipated minors living on your own" The DCS woman said as she looked down at the papers in her hand, looking back up at the twins, waiting for an answer.

John B scoffed, answering with "No.... No"

"I need honesty to help you two. That's what we all want, right?" She answered, not looking nearly as nice and she was sounding.

"Yeah, he's being honest" Emma replied quickly.

"Okay then, when was the last time you two spoke to your Uncle?" The woman asked as if she already knew the answer.

"Uh.... 34 minutes ago" John B answered, causing a smile to form on Emma's face from her brother's easy lie.

"When's the last time you saw him?" She asked again, eyes moving to the brunette girl sitting next to him.

"Two hours and...... 43 minutes ago" Emma replied, looking down at the imaginary watch on her wrist

"John, Emma, we are going to come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle" the DCS woman said, looking fed up with the pairs lies. "If he's not there we are going to move forwards with foster care" John B and Emma shared a nervous look "I want to assure you, we're gonna find you a safe and loving home"

Did they actually think we would be happy to hear that?

And that's where our story starts. Our dad missing, uncle MIA, and the bride of Frankenstein threatening foster care. But we caught a break.

"What are we gonna do, B? We can't go to foster care, they'll split us up, and when they show up tomorrow and find out Uncle T isn't there, that's exactly what they'll do!" Emma said to John B, talking faster the more anxious she became over the situation.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, Em. I won't let them split us up, we'll think of something" he told the smaller girl, calming her nerves. 

The TV on the wall  of one of the few shops around them caught the pair's attention as they walked down the dock. "Hurricane Agatha continues its steady march towards Kildare Island" the reporter announced on the TV as Emma and John B made their way towards the TV in order to hear it better

"On the outer banks of North Carolina" they heard a passerby say

"Holy shit" Emma and John B said at the same time, which is a weird twin thing they do, looked at each other and smirked, a knowing look growing on both their faces.

"Hurricane Agatha, coming on the same day DCS was supposed to do our inspection?" John B said smugly, as he looked down at Emma, who was quite a lot smaller than him, than anyone really.

"Looks like we've caught a break" She replied, doing their handshake before John B pulled out his phone.

"DCS, how can I help you?" A woman's voice came through the phone.

"Yeah, uh... I think we're probably gonna have to reschedule"

5 hours later and the storm had hit. The wind was faster than they'd ever seen and the rain was like little bullets pelting down at them as Emma, John B and Pope made their way onto the beach. The waves reaching heights of dangerous proportion. Thunder clapped above them as Pope voiced his concerns

An Outer Banks story // JJ Maybank x OCWhere stories live. Discover now