Pt 48 - Unexpected visitors

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A few hours later, with music blasting, the hot tub on and many beers down, the 6 pogues were celebrating the return of John B and Sarah.

"Yeah!" John B shouts as he shotguns his beer, making everybody laugh.

They play fight, have rap battles, smoke weed, anything and everything they want. Celebrating their freedom in this rare moment of peace, as they all laugh together again.

Pope and JJ resort to wrestling on the ground as the other's were sat around the fire. Emma sat with her feet on Kiara's lap, laughing as the boys wrestled. Her eyes flicked to Kie quickly, noticing her friends stare. That smile turned to a smirk as she saw it focussed on Pope.

Emma couldn't help but nudge Kie with her foot. Kie swung her head in her direction, and Emma winked in return. With a roll of her eyes, Kie turned her focus back onto the two boys, where Pope was now stood over JJ, having clearly won the pitiful fight.

"Yeahhhhh" Pope celebrated, swaying as he stood to his feet. "I'm done. I'm out of here" The boy announced as he picked up his shirt as started walking towards the dock

"Did you have too many beers?" Emma shouted after him, laughing as he walked into the low hanging branch.

"You want a round two?" JJ called after him

"Yeah, no. I think I'll take my losses" He replied, stumbling away

Suddenly, Kie pushed Emma's feet off of her lap and stood up. She looked back at Emma and Sarah with an innocent look on her face as she started in Pope's direction.

"Really?" Sarah called after her, a grin on her face. Emma whistled at the girl as she disappeared into the darkness

"Way to be discreet" JJ called, shaking his head as he sat down next to Emma, wrapping his hand around her inner thigh

"I leave and this is what happens" John B said, shaking his head at JJ. Emma laughed at her brother and leaned her head on JJ's shoulder

"Are you blaming me?" JJ exclaimed, his eyebrows high on his forehead

"Just a little bit" John B replied. Emma and Sarah just laughed. "Uh oh, your boys out! Beer time." John B stood from his perch next to Sarah and walked over towards the cooler full of beer

"Literally one job, JJ" Sarah says, a grin on her face

"Okay" JJ said, rolling his eyes with a smile of his own on his face

"No Pogue-on-Pogue making!" Sarah argued with him

"One job?!" JJ explained, throwing his hand in the air, spilling the beer from his open can

"One job" Sarah confirmed, smirking at the blonde

"Sarah, one job? Okay..." JJ paused, sitting forward on the log and pulling his hand from Emma's leg, in order to count on his fingers. Emma rolled her eyes at their silly squabbling. She caught sight of John B, who was staring at the tree which JJ had carved for them. She could see a single tear run down his cheek

"Who got you the phantom, huh? You ever think about that?" Emma heard JJ ask Sarah, but she stopped listening as she stood from her spot, making her way to her twins' side

She didn't say anything. She didn't need to. She wrapped both her hands around one of his and leant her head against his arm. Tears of her own started falling from her eyes at the mere sight of her brother upset.

Emma felt John B squeeze her hand and lean his head on top of hers. Together, they stood in silence and just stared at the tree which had both their names carved on.

An Outer Banks story // JJ Maybank x OCWhere stories live. Discover now