Pt 19 - The Fight

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After the whole ordeal with Pope, the boy made his way home, leaving JJ and Emma alone. Upon hearing his fathers car arrive, the two teens snuck around the house, taking off down the drive and making their way back to the château.

"Where's John B?" JJ asked at they walked into the château. Emma made her way into the kitchen, grabbing them both some beers

"He went to chapel hill, with Sarah Cameron" she replied, although this time, when saying the name, she didn't feel hatred towards the girl, 'omg what's happening to me?' She thought to herself.

For some reason, John B had moved the beers up to the top shelf and Emma, being the smallest in the group, couldn't reach. She stood on her tiptoes, reaching as far as she could, yet she didn't seem to be able to grasp the drinks. Noticing her struggle, JJ walked towards her silently. He stood directly behind her, placing one hand on her hip and reaching up over the girl and grabbing two beers with ease

Emma felt a blush climb onto her cheeks at the close contact, JJ having pressed up against her as he grabbed the drinks. She let out an audible gulp, but the blonde behind her didn't move. Instead, he leant his head down so he was level with hers, and whispered into her ear

"Do I make you nervous, Emma?" In a low, seductive voice. Emma could feel his breath fan against her cheek, causing her to breathe slightly heavier than usual.

"No" she replied quietly, not trusting her voice to speak normally

JJ chuckled at the answer, gaining a new level of confidence. He let his hand slowly run down her waist, over her hip and down her thigh. After hearing Emma suck in a breath, he pulled away. However, it was much to his disappointment, because he wanted to stay like that, to carry it on more than anyone.

Emma stayed looking at the wall before she dropped her head thinking, smirking and shaking her head. She turned around to the boy, who was still standing close, looking down at her. Easing her head up to talk to him, she stepped closer. She could feel JJ's breath on her face as she took one of the beers and slipped away from him. Walking back out onto the porch with an evil smile on her face, as JJ just stood still, watching her leave

"Two can play at that game, Maybank" Emma thought to herself, as she sat down on the porch, an idea springing to life in her mind.

Soon after, JJ appeared from the house and sat down next to her, drooping his arm around the back of the sofa behind the girl. They started talking, light conversation before the girl put her plan into action.

She carelessly pushed her lighter onto the floor when JJ looked away. She slowly slipped off of the sofa and onto her knees, JJ's attention now back onto the brunette girl. Emma turned around to face JJ and positioned herself in between his legs, using her hands to push them further apart. JJ's face grew a smirk as he sat up straighter, getting ready for what the girl was about to do. She made eye contact. Her brown eyes drowning in his blue, a feeling of adrenaline pouring through her body at the thought of what she was about to do. JJ smirked, looking the girl up and down, then returning his stare to her eyes. Emma reached up and pulled her hair into a messy bun on the top of her head. All the while, her eyes did not leave the blondes. She brought her hands back down, resting them on his thighs. She could see his face grow red as his mouth dropped open slightly. She ran her fingers up and down his thighs, sending shivers over his body. Eyes never moving from one another. Then, with a smirk, Emma bent down towards the ground, reaching for her lighter. JJ's face grew a look of confusion at the girls actions, but dropped into a frown when she sat back up, holding her lighter,

"There it is. Must've dropped it" Emma said, laughing to herself at the boys face, as she stood up and sat back down next to him.

"You're mean" JJ said, crossing his arms in a grump.

An Outer Banks story // JJ Maybank x OCWhere stories live. Discover now